Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Red Harvest

The Red Harvest

For the promise of great wealth, you've ventured into an ancient crypt with men and women you barely know and have plucked an artifact from the dead that guarded it.. Now you hurry to receive your reward.. Or so you believed..


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Sage Akia
Member for 4 years

Classic dungeon-crawler-esque? Hell yes, if I can find a decent picture I am most definitely joining this.

I like Vanships. And flying cruise ships with massive diesel engines. Steam is cool and all, but diesel.

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Member for 1 years

I would like to join but, I was wondering what kind of inventions of magitech are there. Are there magical computers? Magical Surveillance Sensors. I would like to be sort of magical hacker. In a sense it is sort of like a Seer in a way. Just using magical technology to make it happen.

Is the magitech on level with computer and internet being quite common. Can people communicate via special magitech earpieces?

If not I'll have to come up with something else. I have another idea, but the hacker is my favorite so far.

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Member for 0 years

I'm curious as to what races are available, actually. Safe to assume your standard human/elves/dwarfs, but to much to hope for something like Tieflings(Humans with demonic lineage, leaving them with pretty red skin, occasional horns/tails and a naturally fun demeanor)?

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