Saturday, September 22, 2012

Cable and Telecom Providers Warm to ... - Broadband Breakfast

Sylvia V Syracuse, Director of Marketing and Events,

WASHINGTON, Thursday, September 20th, 2012 ? The internet policy news and events service held its September 2012?Broadband Breakfast Club?event??Measuring Broadband Performance: What Have We Learned in Four Years???on Tuesday, September 18th, 2012 at Clyde?s of Gallery Place, 707 7th St. NW, Washington, DC 20001 from 8 am ? 10 am.

You can see highlights of the event here:

Highlights From: Measuring Broadband Performance: What Have We Learned in Four Years from Broadband Breakfast.

You can see the full event program here:

Measuring Broadband Performance: What Have We Learned in Four Years? from Broadband Breakfast.

In July, the Federal Communications Commission released its second ?Measuring Broadband America? report. ?Broadband providers have significantly improved accuracy in actual versus advertised speeds during the past year and consumers are subscribing to faster speed tiers and receiving faster speeds than ever before.? Measuring progress of bandwidth is essential to unleashing the benefits of big broadband, says the FCC, particularly in order to assure that at least 100 million homes have actual download speeds of 100 Mbps by 2020. How has broadband data made available by the FCC, and by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration?s State Broadband Initiative, changed the broadband landscape from four years ago?

Speakers at the event included:

  • Martha Duggan, Senior Principal for Regulatory Affairs, The National Rural Electrical Cooperative Association
  • Allan Friedman, Research Director, Center for Technology Innovation, Brookings
  • Thomas Gideon, Technical Director, Open Technology Institute New America Foundation
  • Steven F. Morris, Vice President & Associate General Counsel, National Cable & Telecommunications Association (NCTA)
  • David E. Young, Vice President, Federal Regulatory Affairs, Verizon

The Broadband Breakfast Club is sponsored by Comcast, Google, ICF International (ICFI), The National Cable & Telecommunications Association (NCTA) the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) and US Telecom.

The Broadband Breakfast Club series meets on the third Tuesday of each month (except for August and December).?The Broadband Breakfast Club schedule can be viewed at?

Register for our October event on USF Reform here:

Read our website for broadband news and event write-ups?

Videos of our previous events are available at:?

Background on is in its fifth year of hosting monthly breakfast forums in Washington on internet policy issues. These events are on the record, open to the public and consider a wide range of viewpoints. Our Broadband Breakfast Club meets on the third tuesday of every month (except for August and December). Our elected official keynotes have included Representatives Zoe Lofgren (D- CA), John Conyers (D-MI), Diane Watson (D-CA), Joe Barton (R-TX) and Rick Boucher (D-VA).

Our agency and commission official keynotes have included Deputy Undersecretary for Agriculture Dallas Tonsager, Julius Genachowski, Chairman FCC; Jonathan Adelstein, RUS Administrator; Julie Brill, Commissioner, Federal Trade Commission, Anna Gomez, Deputy Assistant Secretary NTIA; FCC Wireline Competition Bureau Chief, Sharon Gillette, FCC Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Chief, Rick Kaplan; Tony Wilhelm, BTOP Director, NTIA; Ari Schwartz, Senior Internet Policy Advisor to the Secretary of Commerce; Nick Sinai, Senior Innovation Advisor to the US Chief Technology Officer.

Our moderated discussion panels are comprised of leaders from a wide variety of organizations including government, industry, law firms, academia, nonprofit, journalism and many others. Our audiences are equally diverse. The keynote speech is followed by a moderated panel discussion in which audience participation is encouraged.

For More Information Contact:
Sylvia Syracuse
Director of Marketing and Events

Tagged with: Allan Friedman, Brookings Institution, Center for Technology Innovation, David Young, Martha Duggan, NCTA, New America Foundation, NRECA, Open Technology Institute, Steven Morris, Thomas Gideon, Verizon Communications

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