Thursday, September 27, 2012

Questions about HPV transmission - STDs - MedHelp

Welcome to the Forum.??I'll try to help. My sense however is that you are over reacting.??The FACT is that if you have had unprotected sex with others you probably already have HPV, as does your partner. So what???Most people (over 85% of sexually active persons) not only have HPV but have infection with multiple strains.??This is by no means the end of the world and should not be a matter of concern since only a small proportion of HPV infections go on to cause cancers or pre-cancerous lesions (particularly for men) and when it does, these can readily be detected if persons are seeing their health care professionals as is recommended.??At this time all you can realistically do to reduce your risk for HPV is to use condoms and get the HPV vaccine.??Both help.??then see your health care professionals regularly for check-up and for assessment of any unusual skin lesions which occur and persist.??That's it.

As for your specific questions:

1.) Just because she has genital HPV doesn't mean she would have any more of a chance of having ORAL HPV than anyone else in the population, right? Is there any reason I should be concerned about receiving oral sex from her, in terms of MY getting genital HPV?

Sexually active persons who perform oral sex are more likely to have oral HPV than persons who do not.?? There are no data on whether persons with genital HPV (i.e. just about everyone) are more likely to have oral HPV than others. Either way, oral HPV is far less common than genital HPV.

2a.) My big worry: I also manually masturbated/'fingered' her. Is it possible that I could have contracted genital HPV on my hand, either in the form of visible warts or in non-wart producing virus on my hand?? I have anxiety issues and now Im concerned that I should tell future partners that I might have latent HPV virus on my hand, which would be an issue if I masturbated them...I hope this is not the case and I do not need to worry about this/bring it up with anyone (??).

Your anxiety issues are getting the best of you. The types of HPV that infect the genitals rarely infect the hands and feet and vis versa.,

Further, we do not urge clients to notify partners even if they have HPV since virtually everyone has the infection, they are of little consequence and there is little to do if one has infection unless they have troublesome visible genital warts.??

2b.) I'm guessing that the flat warts on my hands/feet are totally unrelated to this fingering incident, most likely? I know a bit about how HPV 'works' in the sense of sites of preference...

Correct- see above.

3.) My anxiety issues also push me to get tested for STDs whenever tests exist. As I can tell there are no tests for men for genital HPV in the US, correct??

Correct and if there were we would not recommend them since treatment of warts which are most likely to resolve on their own would be more likely to cause consequences than letting the HPV run its course.

4) While I did not perform oral sex on my partner in this case...hypothetically, for the future, what if I had? Would I have to be concerned about her genital HPV being transmitted to my mouth, and would I then have to inform future partners that I 'might have' oral HPV before I kissed them, performed oral sex, etc?

Oral sex appears to lead to HPV infection less often that genital/genital contact.??Even if you got it, as I said above, we do not urge discussion with sex partners since such knowledge so often leads to the sorts of over reactions that you are manifesting.

And you have mis-read my earlier post.

I hope this helps.??If there are further questions I will accept a limited follow-up but will not engage in a prolonged, repetitive exchange.??EWH


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