Monday, August 6, 2012

World Of Warcraft Gaming Computer Recommendations -

More than 12 million players worldwide play World of Warcraft ? are you one of them, or would you like to try it for yourself? Then you will need to know what computer is good (or better) to play it the way it meant to be. We are not talking about an average PC where you set settings to low-mid and run around, we look at the computers that let you maximize WoW display settings and resolutions. World of Warcraft may be quite an old game but it still does shine buy cheap wow gold when you turn all of the settings to the max. Have you ever caught yourself on top of the Stormwind Harbor enjoying water view? With the right computer you definitely will!

A lot of people play WoW on regular basic computers or cheap laptops, and World of Warcraft actually lets you do that because it has really low minimum system requirements. It can be even run on netbooks on low settings. And we can't blame you, at the end there are people who don't care about graphics but just enjoy the gameplay itself, storyline, communication, dynamics and atmosphere. But ask yourself why some old black and white movies had been rebuilt in color? Because they are interesting too and probably they look better in color! Same goes for World Of Warcraft ? it looks and plays so much better on powerful computers with maximum settings and resolutions. You will catch yourself simply enjoying beautiful scenes, landscapes, sunsets ? you will see this game in completely new perspective.

Now what is it about a computer that will let you enjoy WoW as we have indicated above? First of all it should be a gaming computer ? not some regular desktop from popular retail store or cheap notebook. And gaming computers are really different from all that no matter how many times you hear the opposite. Regular computer manufacturers try to lower the costs by installing cheap hardware, crappy onboard graphics, stock coolers, even those cases they use buy world of warcraft do not inspire anyone let alone hardcore gamers. Gaming computer is built and optimized for maximum performance, that comes at a price sometimes, but so do Mercedes and BMW compared to well known minivans: O) It pays off to have a great custom built computer what it comes to PC games.


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