Friday, August 31, 2012

Obama health care policy - HEALTH, BEAUTY & FITNESS

I? m able to sympathize. First warm the tea pot with boiling water after which place one teaspoon of tea or tea bag per cup needed who are holding cards. Why can there be this type of difference? So, you are of able to well think of the effects of not consuming pure H2O. Licensed Health Coach Training Overall health coaches are people who help people find out more about a healthier lifestyle. Nondairy creamer?) avoid these.? ? Michael Pollan, author from the Omnivore? s Dilemma

? Today, a lot obama health care policy more than 95% of chronic disease is triggered by food choice, toxic food elements, dietary inadequacies and insufficient workout. Inch ? Mike Adams, author, investigative journalist, educator

? Individuals who think they? ve virtually no time for healthy eating, will eventually need to find time for health illness.? ? Edward Stanley

? Eating a vegetarian diet, walking ( working out) everyday, and meditation is recognized as radical. Overall Health Strategies For All New Rule ? No Television Permitted For 2 Nights care Each Week Just like you limit your son policy or daughter? s TV time, you should also limit your personal. The research is under the concept the central nervous system includes a general effect on a person? s health. Research has proven by using prolonged use, you could have long- term health, for example more energy and vitality. Many programs are available at community schools, or vocational technical schools offer health unit coordinator programs through their ongoing education department. This can help you save from offering cash to hospitals for remedies instantly. Other minerals present in department of health and hospitals naturally sourced hot springs may include sulfur and arsenic. The caffeine likewise helps the anti- oxidants in tea assimilate in your body most effectively. Federal Law for Medical Health Insurance Continuation Medical health insurance is mainly controlled through the states. Sardines fact: There? s really no such seafood as sardine. Males- pay attention. Glad you requested. Home healthcare seniors is really a matter that should be addressed prior health to an seniors person becomes looking for such care. Organic food items provide fruit, veggies, meat and many other food sources which are Eco- friendly. In addition, the business compensated part of accident and health contributions is deductible on Schedule C. This simply exercise and trains both eye movement and knowledge perception within the mind. Some companies even cover their employees free of charge. Preparation: Preparation is often as simple as opening the spend and department eating the contents including juice or adding salt or lemon to fresh raw oyster. A obama health care policy couple of the simplest types of healing, aromatherapy and essential oils. Most of the notable folks hospitals History had chess his or her favorite game. Many people with no health insurance plan dont even shop for this simply because they think that it? ll just be too costly, but that? s not the situation. Using the new healthcare bill permitting teenagers to remain on a parent? s medical health insurance plan until age 26, some service providers have previously extended coverage via a parent? s policy sooner than the September 23rd deadline. Actually, it is recognized as the very best fluid that can help keep the body hydrated. Despite the fact that companies and employees discover the HMO obama attractive, you will find many constraints in comparison towards the PPO. Make use of the cards to share important messages and extend sincere greetings for your audience.

Related Post Obama health care policy

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What Your Company Can Learn from FreshBooks CEO ... - PR Warrior

??Today I have a FreshBooks announcement to share with you. But first, a story almost 10 years in the making??

And so starts an open letter from Mike McDerment, the CEO and cofounder of FreshBooks, an online company based in Toronto, Canada, that specialises in cloud accounting for small businesses.

The letter, which recently appeared on the company?s blog, is how the company chose to communicate to customers, partners and the media the brand?s change in positioning from ?online invoicing? to ?cloud accounting?.

FreshBooks caught my eye some time back for the way it goes about its marketing. It appears to be very connected with the marketplace so it?s probably no surprise the brand leverages online content and social media better than most companies. It?s also no surprise that McDerment penned an open letter like this.

Here are four lessons - from a brand communications perspective - gleaned from McDerment?s letter:

1050805971. ?Establish a company blog

Having a corporate blog is a definite plus for companies of all sizes. A blog is an effective tool for small companies because it gives them a global stage from which to tell their brand story, add value and connect with customers and partners; large companies can benefit from a blog for the same reasons but more importantly because it can help an organisation to appear more ?human? with posts written by employees and, preferably, senior executives including the CEO.

2. ?Be open

People appreciate openness and a sense of transparency from company leaders. Earlier this year PR firm Edelman * released its annual Trust Barometer, a global survey that gauges the public?s trust in government, business and the media. One damning statistic from the survey was that only 35 per cent of Australians found CEOs credible as a company spokesperson. Being open and transparent at all times in your communications is one way to win back the trust of people - if you personally have made a mistake or the company has mis-stepped along the way, say so. Be open to your foibles as much as your strengths when the situation requires it and people will respect you (and your brand) all the more for it.

In his open letter, McDerment writes:

?The road hasn't been easy. It took over 16 months to bring a product to market. When we launched no one cared and 24 months after starting we had only 10 paying customers and revenues of $99 per month. We moved into my parents' basement for 3.5 years. But despite all the evidence pointing to our failure, we carried on.?

3. ?Tell stories

Going back to the first line of McDerment?s open letter:? "But first, a story almost 10 years in the making??.

Stories. We humans love ?em. We?re hardwired to tell (and listen to) stories, it?s in our DNA. If companies in Australia want to improve their levels of communication and engagement with stakeholders, they could do worse than to develop and tell authentic stories that move people to action rather than bore them to tears.

4. ?Use your own voice

Too many senior company executives rely on the crutch of jargon and ?gobbledygook management-speak?. Their words - whether spoken or written - are impenetrable to the point that people - customers, employees, journalists - switch off.

Use your own voice, speak to people as you would at a barbecue rather than how you would to your executive board. Don?t try and emulate other CEOs who baffle people with impenetrable language designed not to communicate but to impress. You won?t get your message across and you will lose standing as a leader.

McDerment finishes with: ?I know this note was long ? perhaps unnecessarily so. I wanted to put it all in one place. If you made it this far, thank you for reading. If you have any questions, feel free to send me an email, ?I'd love to hear from you.?

When you read this, you know it?s from the heart of the CEO who wrote it and not some highly-polished blurb written on their behalf by the internal PR scribe.

(Oh, and there?s a bonus lesson there: Be accessible! As McDerment writes: If you have any questions, feel free to send me an email. In the letter on the FreshBooks blog, McDerment has embedded a hyper-link to his email so people can write him directly. Rather than back away from communication with his customers, he embraces it).

* Disclosure: I consult to Edelman Australia.




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In order to be free of your continuing obligations on the lease, you should be getting a a written lease termination and release signed by the landlord. If the landlord did that when the tenant you found signed the lease and gave the required deposits, you'd be OK. If The landlord didn't release you in writing at that point, you are still responsible.


* If the answers to your question confirm that you have a valid issue or worthwhile claim, your next step should almost always be to establish a dialog with a lawyer who can provide specific advice to you. Contact a lawyer in your county or township.

* Another reason for contacting a lawyer is that it is often impossible to give a good answer in the Internet Q&A format without having more information. The unique circumstances of your situation and things that you may not have thought to mention in your question may completely change the answer. If you want to be sure that you have a complete answer to your question and an understanding of what that answer means, establish a connection with a lawyer who practices in the area of your concern.


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Onward to Romney's big night, a speech to millions

Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney speaks at the American Legion National Convention, Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2012, in Indianapolis. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney speaks at the American Legion National Convention, Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2012, in Indianapolis. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

Republican vice presidential candidate, Rep. Paul?Ryan, R-Wis., addresses the Republican?National?Convention in Tampa, Fla., Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2012. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)

Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney watches the Republican National Convention with his grandchildren from his hotel room on Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2012 in Tampa, Fla. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

President Barack Obama speaks at a campaign event, Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2012 in Charlottesville, Va. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

(AP) ? Mitt Romney is stepping up for the most important speech of his Republican presidential campaign, to an audience of millions, after a rousing warm-up from a running mate who vowed the days of dodging painful budget choices will end if voters toss President Barack Obama from office.

Having grasped the nomination on his second try, after years spent cultivating this moment, Romney will use his speech Thursday night to introduce himself to a large portion of voters and claw for advantage in a race that could scarcely be any closer. As part of that introduction, Romney appeared prepared to discuss his Mormon faith in more direct terms than usual, a direction signaled by running mate Paul Ryan on Wednesday night in several allusions to the duo's differing religions but "same moral creed."

The Wisconsin congressman, a deficit hawk who's become the party's darling since joining the ticket, offered a prime-time testimonial setting up Romney's turn on the stage in the Republican National Convention's finale. If history is a guide, viewership of Romney's speech ? and Obama's address to his Democratic convention next week ? will be surpassed only by the audience for their coming debates.

The Republican convention's most rah-rah moments were unfolding as Hurricane Isaac, down to a tropical storm, inflicted floodwaters and misery in rural stretches of nearby Gulf states. The slowly unfolding calamity went unmentioned by most key speakers Wednesday night, although a few asked for Red Cross donations to the victims and offered prayers. The GOP had cut the convention's opening day in fear Isaac would strike Tampa, which was spared.

Not that Obama set politicking aside, either, even as he tended to emergency management. Locked in an unpredictable race that shows no clear advantage for either man, Obama implored young people in a crowd of 7,500 in Charlottesville, Va., home to the University of Virginia, to register, vote and make sure their friends do as well. "I need you," he said. "America needs you to close the gap between what is and what might be."

Ryan, 42, came on board the campaign for the White House with a reputation in Washington for taking on the sacred cows in government spending, Medicare prime among them, and he's generated plenty of excitement among conservatives who have never been fully convinced that Romney is one of them. "I think he's a rock star for the Republicans," Allie Burgin, a delegate from Wynnewood, Okla., said before the speech. And that's how he was received on the stage.

"The present administration has made its choices," Ryan said, "and Mitt Romney and I have made ours. Before the math and the momentum overwhelm us all, we are going to solve this nation's economic problems. And I'm going to level with you: We don't have much time."

He was particularly cutting in his indictment of the president, even in a convention loaded with anti-Obama rhetoric. "Fear and division are all they've got left," he said. "It all started off with stirring speeches, Greek columns, the thrill of something new. Now all that's left is a presidency adrift, surviving on slogans that already seem tired, grasping at a moment that has already passed."

Ryan misrepresented Obama's record at times ? and seemed to forget his own.

He said sharply that "the biggest, coldest power play of all in Obamacare came at the expense of the elderly. ... So they just took it all away from Medicare. Seven hundred and sixteen billion dollars, funneled out of Medicare by President Obama."

In fact, Ryan himself incorporated the same cuts into budgets he steered through the House in the past two years as chairman of its Budget Committee, using the money for deficit reduction. The cuts do not affect Medicare recipients directly, but rather reduce payments to hospitals, health insurance plans and other service providers.

Moreover, Ryan's own plan to remake Medicare would squeeze the program's spending even more than the changes Obama made.

Ryan promised, "We will not duck the tough issues; we will lead." But Romney has yet to flesh out those fiscal choices.

He's promised big increases in military spending and the restoration of more than $700 billion in Medicare cuts, along with lower taxes, without detailing how he would make good on his pledge to cut $500 billion a year from the federal budget. That goal is only realistic if budget cutters dive into the massive entitlements of Social Security and Medicare and if Congress can be persuaded to slice deeply into areas of spending such as health research, transportation, homeland security and aid to the poor.

In a letter sent Thursday morning to potential Democratic donors, Obama campaign manager Jim Messina said the Ryan speech "represents a huge bet by the Romney campaign ? they've decided that facts, truth and reality will not be a brake on their campaign message."

In remarks to the American Legion in Indianapolis, Romney reaffirmed his intention to expand the armed forces and roll back "reckless defense cuts" that will begin automatically in January if Congress does not act to stop them. "There are plenty of places to cut in a federal budget that now totals over $3 trillion, but defense is not one of them," he said. Left unstated was that his running mate voted to approve the legislation that authorized those cuts alongside reductions in domestic spending.

Romney spokesman Kevin Madden said days earlier that the nominee would discuss his Mormon religion in his convention address as part of "what's informed his values." Ryan, a Roman Catholic, took up the matter conspicuously, and no doubt as part of the convention's carefully crafted message.

"Mitt and I also go to different churches," he said. "But in any church, the best kind of preaching is done by example. And I've been watching that example. The man who will accept your nomination tomorrow is prayerful and faithful and honorable. Not only a defender of marriage, he offers an example of marriage at its best. Not only a fine businessman, he's a fine man, worthy of leading this optimistic and good-hearted country."

And again: "Our different faiths come together in the same moral creed. We believe that in every life there is goodness; for every person, there is hope. Each one of us was made for a reason, bearing the image and likeness of the Lord of Life."

Former pastor Mike Huckabee, in his speech earlier, also delved into the subject, saying, "I care far less as to where Mitt Romney takes his family to church than I do about where he takes this country."

Delegates cheered a parade of party leaders past, present and ? possibly ? future.

Arizona Sen. John McCain, the man who defeated Romney for the 2008 nomination only to lose the election to Obama, spoke on his 76th birthday and said he wished he'd been there under different circumstances. And an array of ambitious younger elected officials, Sens. Rand Paul of Kentucky and John Thune of South Dakota among them, preceded Ryan to the podium.

Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice praised the Republican ticket in a speech that made no overt mention of Obama. "Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan will rebuild us at home and inspire us to lead abroad. They will provide an answer to the question, 'Where does America stand?'"


Woodward reported from Washington. Associated Press writers Steve Peoples in Indianapolis, Julie Pace in Charlottesville, Va., Jim Kuhnhenn in Washington and Philip Elliott, Beth Fouhy, Tamara Lush and Elizabeth Bunn in Tampa contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Many trendy 'microgreens' are more nutritious than their mature counterparts

Many trendy 'microgreens' are more nutritious than their mature counterparts [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 29-Aug-2012
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Contact: Michael Bernstein
American Chemical Society

The first scientific analysis of nutrient levels in edible microgreens has found that many of those trendy seedlings of green vegetables and herbs have more vitamins and healthful nutrients than their fully grown counterparts. A report on the research appears in ACS' Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.

Qin Wang, Gene E. Lester and colleagues point out that microgreens have gained popularity as a new culinary trend over the past few years, especially in upscale markets and restaurants. Those seedlings of spinach, lettuce, red cabbage and other veggies are usually 1-3 inches in height and harvested within 14 days of germination. They enhance the color, texture and flavor of salads, soups, sandwiches and other foods. Despite their growing popularity, no scientific information existed on how nutrients in microgreens compare to those in mature plants. To fill that gap, they analyzed vitamins and other phytochemicals in 25 varieties of microgreens.

They found that microgreens generally have higher concentrations of healthful vitamins and carotenoids than their mature counterparts. But they also found wide variations in nutrient levels among the plants tested in the study. Red cabbage microgreens, for instance, had the highest concentration of vitamin C, for instance, while green daikon radish microgreens had the most vitamin E. Concentrations of vitamins and carotenoids in popcorn shoots and golden pea tendrils were low compared to other microgreens, but were still as high as some common mature vegetables.

One other notable finding: Exposing microgreens to light tended to change the nutritional content, which is an ongoing research effort led by Dr. Lester and Dr. Wang, and results will be published soon.


The American Chemical Society is a nonprofit organization chartered by the U.S. Congress. With more than 164,000 members, ACS is the world's largest scientific society and a global leader in providing access to chemistry-related research through its multiple databases, peer-reviewed journals and scientific conferences. Its main offices are in Washington, D.C., and Columbus, Ohio.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Many trendy 'microgreens' are more nutritious than their mature counterparts [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 29-Aug-2012
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Contact: Michael Bernstein
American Chemical Society

The first scientific analysis of nutrient levels in edible microgreens has found that many of those trendy seedlings of green vegetables and herbs have more vitamins and healthful nutrients than their fully grown counterparts. A report on the research appears in ACS' Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.

Qin Wang, Gene E. Lester and colleagues point out that microgreens have gained popularity as a new culinary trend over the past few years, especially in upscale markets and restaurants. Those seedlings of spinach, lettuce, red cabbage and other veggies are usually 1-3 inches in height and harvested within 14 days of germination. They enhance the color, texture and flavor of salads, soups, sandwiches and other foods. Despite their growing popularity, no scientific information existed on how nutrients in microgreens compare to those in mature plants. To fill that gap, they analyzed vitamins and other phytochemicals in 25 varieties of microgreens.

They found that microgreens generally have higher concentrations of healthful vitamins and carotenoids than their mature counterparts. But they also found wide variations in nutrient levels among the plants tested in the study. Red cabbage microgreens, for instance, had the highest concentration of vitamin C, for instance, while green daikon radish microgreens had the most vitamin E. Concentrations of vitamins and carotenoids in popcorn shoots and golden pea tendrils were low compared to other microgreens, but were still as high as some common mature vegetables.

One other notable finding: Exposing microgreens to light tended to change the nutritional content, which is an ongoing research effort led by Dr. Lester and Dr. Wang, and results will be published soon.


The American Chemical Society is a nonprofit organization chartered by the U.S. Congress. With more than 164,000 members, ACS is the world's largest scientific society and a global leader in providing access to chemistry-related research through its multiple databases, peer-reviewed journals and scientific conferences. Its main offices are in Washington, D.C., and Columbus, Ohio.

To automatically receive news releases from the American Chemical Society, contact

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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Sony unveils latest HX950 flagship HDTV in Japan with 'Intelligent Peak LED' backlighting

Sony unveils latest HX950 flagship HDTV in Japan with 'Intelligent Peak LED' backlighting

While Sony's current lineup of HDTVs has so far topped out with the HX929/920 series that's been kicking around since 2011, in Japan it has just unveiled a new top of the line model: the HX950. Often rumored in the last few months, it's available in 65- or 55-inch varieties and features Sony's now-trademark monolithic style as well as "Intelligent Peak LED" backlighting. Although Sony's brand name for the tech doesn't exactly reveal how it works, information leaks have suggested it is full array LED backlighting and not edge based, although we don't know how many zones (individually controlled light sources) are in play. What we do know, however is that i claims to outperform the LED backlighting in the old 929 quite handily, although we'll let our eyes be the judge of that.

It also includes MotionFlow XR960 (800 in the US) motion processing tech that can create 240fps from 60 frames and a glass panel mounted to the LCD itself with a special type of resin designed specifically to reduce glare. Finally, there's also the usual add-ins like 3D and Sony Entertainment Network streaming video. We haven't seen any European or US information for this model yet, although with IFA 2012 under way and CEDIA coming up that may change quickly. Currently pricing in Japan for the 65-inch is expected to be around 650,000 yen or $8,269 when it ships November 10th, but we should mention actual US prices are typically much lower than a direct conversion. Unofficially, one retailer is already listing the 55- and 65-inch models for sale in the US for $3,499 and $5,499, respectively, although we'd take that with a grain of salt until we know for sure.

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Sony unveils latest HX950 flagship HDTV in Japan with 'Intelligent Peak LED' backlighting originally appeared on Engadget on Wed, 29 Aug 2012 01:19:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Employment Opportunity / Society for the Blind / Access News ...

Post3.1_Jobs_Access News Coordinator_81612

Job Title: ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? Access News Coordinator

Classification:??????????? ??????????? Non-Exempt/Part-Time

Reports to: ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? Senior Manager, Communication


Society for the Blind is currently seeking a qualified individual as an Access News Coordinator. Our mission is to empower individuals who are blind or have low vision to live productively and independently by building confidence through training, tools and mentorship. Society for the Blind is a 501c3 organization serving Northern California, with a focus on Sacramento, Placer and Yolo counties.


General Description:? The essential function of the job is to oversee the daily activities at the Access News program. This individual is responsible for maintaining and updating the system in which the content resides as well as maintaining the operation of the system. ?Additionally, this individual promotes and builds partnerships in order to expand the number of program subscribers and volunteers.



Records/System Maintenance and Volunteer Services:

  1. Maintain records and equipment.
  2. Maintain and update list of publications and content.
  3. Perform regular evaluations of current software to meet changing organizational needs.
  4. Perform volunteer recruitment and train volunteer readers on the usage of the system.
  5. Create and disseminate volunteer reader weekly schedules.
  6. Plan and coordinate volunteer recognition events with the Volunteer Coordinator.
  7. Place orders for program materials as needed.


Program Development and Marketing:

  1. Create and conduct subscriber and volunteer satisfaction surveys annually.
  2. Establish advisory teams and work closely with them in gathering user and volunteer feedback.
  3. Develop community partnerships to further program growth.
  4. Annually perform competitor surveys to identify and implement opportunities for growth in the program.
  5. Report on all surveys and action plan annually to supervisor.
  6. Be proactive and responsible for marketing the program in the community and seeking public relations opportunities.
  7. Grow program usership significantly each year to reach goals set with your supervisor.



  1. Attend all staff and departmental meetings.
  2. Adhere to all Society policies and procedures.
  3. Stay current in areas of responsibility.
  4. Other duties as assigned.



  1. Bachelors degree and two years of related work experience
  2. Excellent communication, organizational and time management skills.
  3. Solid proficiency in word processing, the MS Office suite, database software familiarity, and technology in general.
  4. Understanding of blindness and some proficiency in non-visual techniques.
  5. Knowledge of, belief in and adherence to the agency?s mission and vision.
  1. Ability to work individually or as part of a team. A team player who can work as part of a multi-disciplinary team.


To Apply

Submit your resume and a cover letter via email to Cherry Flanagan, Human Resources at .


No phone calls please!


Application?s deadline: Until the position is filled


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Business travel to, from Canada grew in Q1, says StatsCan | iPolitics

OTTAWA ? Statistics Canada says overnight business travel to and from Canada increased at a faster pace than pleasure travel in the first quarter this year.

Canadian travellers made 673,000 overnight business trips to the United States in the first quarter, up 12.3 per cent from the first quarter of 2011.

Meanwhile, Canadian residents took nearly 3.3 million pleasure trips to the United States, up 9.9 per cent.

In the opposite direction, American travellers made 425,000 overnight business trips to Canada, a 7.1 per cent increase, while Americans took 671,000 overnight pleasure trips, up 5.8 per cent from the first quarter of 2011.

For countries other than the United States, the primary reason for coming to Canada was to visit friends or relatives.

Overseas residents made 210,000 such overnight trips, up 12 per cent from the first quarter last year. Travel for pleasure was also the prime reason for Canadian overseas travel, accounting for 81.2 per cent of all such trips.

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How to loss weight-Three Keys to Weight Loss

Most people can lose a quick five or ten pounds before a big event. But how do you keep the weight off -- today, tomorrow, and for the rest of your life? Not even everyone with "lucky genes" can stay slim for a lifetime without the help of a few basic strategies.

Water is a natural appetite suppressant. If you constantly fill your stomach with water, you are less likely to be hungry all the time, that the human brain is not connected with the difference between hunger and thirst. In addition to suppressing appetite and stimulates your your satiety, the water also helps to increase your metabolic rate. While the hydration needs of each person is different, experts generally offer 64 oz or 8 glasses of water a day. Even if you are the free space on the consumption of water during the day, new research has shown that drinking two glasses of water before meals is better for weight loss. In addition, the body has trouble separating hunger and thirst thirsty, and you may have to water route to feel full without adding to your calorie counter.

You may think that sleep loss and weight so far, but there is substantial scientific evidence suggesting a strong association between the two. One study found that people who sleep five hours or less per night generally weigh more than those who get seven hours of sleep. Other research has shown that insufficient sleep compromises efforts to lose weight by dieting. The link between sleep and weight loss is mainly due to hormones. Production of the hormones leptin and ghrelin that work to control hunger and satiety is said to be influenced by the amount or lack of sleep a person. When you do not get enough sleep, your leptin (the satiety hormone) levels tend to be low, and your ghrelin (the appetite hormone) high. This means that you are likely to overeat that your appetite is stimulated and satiety is suppressed. So if you want to keep your natural mechanisms of weight loss in place, make sure you get around eight hours of sleep each night.

As they say, everything that happens in your life in some way influenced by the people around you, and this includes weight loss. Your friends have a lot to do with the results of your weight loss efforts. If you are surrounded by people who have no desire to lose weight, it is very likely that you will end up shying away from your weight loss goals. If people go to eat a lot of junk food all the time, it would be very difficult for you to turn the lifestyle changes you need to reach your ideal weight. So if you are serious about shedding the extra pounds, you will find a lot of friends who will help you achieve your goals. Find friends who have similar weight loss desires or healthy living and active this way, you can always enjoy a great business without compromising you want to lose weight.

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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

S.Africa stocks hit record close on Bidvest

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Some two dozen topless women protested in a New York City park on a hot, sweaty Sunday as part of what they called "National Go-Topless Day" to draw attention to inequality in topless rights between men and women. There were topless men in the park, too, but nobody paid them much attention, a disparity, organizers said, that demonstrated the need for the event. The topless women drew crowds of onlookers who took pictures and video with their cell phones. ...


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Game's 'Celebration' Video Adds A 'Bit More Swag' To Dr. Dre Classic

Compton MC talks to MTV News about how Snoop and Dre's 1992 'Nuthin' But a G Thang' clip inspired the video for his first single off Jesus Piece.
By Rob Markman, with reporting by Felicia Morris

The Game
Photo: MTV News


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Some Tips For Keeping Your Asthma Maintained |

Asthma is a disease that can simply fall out of manage if still left unchecked. The attacks might be deadly in some circumstances. Request suggestions from competent experts, and stay practical in taking methods to improve your health. This informative article gives straightforward ways to assist alleviate some bronchial asthma symptoms and to assist you to higher deal with your bronchial asthma.

In case you have symptoms of asthma and get repeated strikes that are related to allergic reactions, you can find medicines which can be injected to offer you long term alleviation. An antibody treatments under the title Omalizumab may be used to lessen these signs due to allergies and can be approved through your allergist.

Having a dehumidifier in your house is very an effective solution to prevent bronchial asthma symptoms. These help with keeping a dried up environment in your home. A home that is left humid and wet is significantly more likely to set off an invasion. For this reason possessing a dehumidifier is critical to averting any bronchial asthma signs or symptoms.

You might like to use a leukotriene inhibitor in case your asthma attack is being especially problematic. Leukotriene inhibitors prevent the impact of leukotrienes. The chemical substance leukotriene is a type of cause of soreness within the lungs which, can trigger bronchial asthma assaults. The inhibitor can keep the leukotrienes from creating, that may reduce the regularity of bronchial asthma episodes that you expertise.

Outdoors in your home is important when someone in the household has asthma. Open up your doors and windows whenever feasible to allow the air to pass through via your property. Insulated houses have allergen ranges better than properly-ventilated homes on the track of 200Per cent far more. Air-flow is a great approach to cleaning air in your home.

Dont switch on any followers if you find that the room is dusty. This will cause the dust particles to maneuver, which could cause an symptoms of asthma attack. If you would like possess a breeze, available a window instead of running a fan.

If an asthma invasion occurs, and you do not have your controller medicines along, try to ingest something that contains coffee. Solid teas, espresso, or chocolates can present you with some caffeine intake to help the asthma invasion. Caffeinated drinks constricts bloodstream, and this assists available your breathing passages.

Ensure you usually have an inhaler on you if you do have symptoms of asthma. This medication could provide you with quick and short-term alleviation for your symptoms. Be certain that there is an inhaler at each place spent time at, from placing one out of a bag or health and fitness center bag to your work desk cabinet at the job and also within your lunch or dinner pot.

Asthma attack evolves slowly, and its particular signs might not be extremely noticeable. Some individuals have even died from owning an asthma attack invasion, and they also didnt even know they had bronchial asthma. When you frequently have trouble breathing or even a prolonged coughing, it would be smart to schedule an appointment with your personal doctor, so she or he can affirm regardless of whether you have symptoms of asthma. Should you, your personal doctor may then suggest medications to control or address it.

A thoroughly clean residence is a great thing for anyone to get, however, for bronchial asthma sufferers, a clean house is not merely a fantastic house, but a healthy house. You may minimize allergens by vacuuming routinely. Buying a great key vacuum-cleaning process can really help control your asthma symptoms by coming the hypersensitivity triggering debris specifically exterior, eliminating your contact with them completely.

In the winter, cover your mouth and nose area with a scarf or shawl to stop asthma attack assaults. This allows you to warm air prior to it enters your lung area. Small children are especially at risk for an symptoms of asthma invasion in the event the air flow they inhale and exhale is just too frosty, but this issue may affect anyone with bronchial asthma.

Bed linens often snare allergens, dirt, pollen as well as other items that can irritate asthma attack. You are able to minimize these irritants or get rid of them altogether by cleansing your bedding and pillow cases in very hot drinking water once per week. Clean bed linens which are cleaned often will assist you to breathe much easier whenever your mind hits the pillow.

Bronchial asthma is an uncurable condition, but that doesnt signify the signs are long lasting and cant go away. However, exactly like the majority of things in everyday life, eliminating your bronchial asthma signs requires time and effort. In the event you comply with these simple tips, youll discover that your signs and symptoms will receive much better after a while and youll have the ability to enjoy a more healthy, a lot more energetic life-style.


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Monday, August 27, 2012

Precise and persistent cell sabotage: Control of siRNA could aid regenerative medicine, cancer therapy

ScienceDaily (Aug. 27, 2012) ? Some of the body's own genetic material, known as small interfering RNA (siRNA), can be packaged then unleashed as a precise and persistent technology to guide cell behavior, researchers at Case Western Reserve University report in the current issue of the journal, Acta Biomaterialia.

The research group, led by Eben Alsberg, associate professor in the departments of Biomedical Engineering and Orthopedic Surgery, have been pursuing experiments that seek to catalyze stem cells to grow into, for example, bone and cartilage cells, instead of fat, smooth muscle and other cell types.

Beyond tissue engineering, the scientists believe that their technology could be used to starve a tumor by blocking growth of blood vessels that carry nutrition to a malignancy. Or the siRNA could bring on cancer cell death by interfering with other cellular processes.

siRNA is a short section of double-stranded RNA that inhibits gene expression. The molecule can jam up the machinery that produces specific proteins important to cell processes.

A current challenge to using siRNA to block growth of cancerous tumors or guide cell behavior in tissue engineering, is that the tiny material rapidly disperses when injected in the bloodstream or directly into target tissues.

Alsberg, Khanh Nguyen, a postdoctoral researcher, and Phuong N Dang a doctoral student here, packaged siRNA in a mix of polymeric materials. Under ultraviolet light, the mix is induced to form hydrogels connected by a network of polymer threads.

As the threads of the hydrogels break down, the siRNA molecules are cut loose to redirect the fate of the targeted cells. Ultimately, this system can be injected into a target tissue and application of light from outside the body will induce hydrogel formation.

"Local delivery helps target the siRNA to specific cell populations of interest, such as cancer cells in a tumor or stem cells in a bone fracture," Alsberg said. "The ability to alter cell behavior with siRNA can depend on the length of exposure time to the genetic material.

"We can tune the material properties so we can control the dose and rate at which cells are exposed to siRNA. This capacity may prove to be therapeutically valuable."

Tests showed the siRNA effectively interfered with a signal pathway of cells surrounding and inside the hydrogels over an extended period of time.

By adjusting the formula, essentially adding more hands that hold onto the siRNA in the hydrogel complex, the team increased the amount to time target cells are exposed to siRNA from a few days up to a few weeks, thus prolonging the sabotage of undesired cell development.

Alsberg has been awarded a $346,000 grant from the National Institutes of Health and a $1.15 million grant from the Department of Defense to test how well specially packaged siRNA can grow bone and cartilage from stem cells. His lab has already begun these experiments.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Case Western Reserve University, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Khanh Nguyen, Phuong Ngoc Dang, Eben Alsberg. Functionalized, biodegradable hydrogels for control over sustained and localized siRNA delivery to incorporated and surrounding cells. Acta Biomaterialia, 2012; DOI: 10.1016/j.actbio.2012.08.012

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Morsi appoints Christian, woman as assistants

Egypt's Islamist President Mohamed Morsi on Monday apppointed a Coptic Christian intellectual and a woman university professor as presidential assistants, his spokesman Yasser Ali announced.

Samir Morcos, a liberal Coptic writer engaged in the dialogue between Islam and Christianity, has been named "assistant for democratic transition", Ali said.

Pakinam al-Sharkawi, a political sciences professor at Cairo university, was appointed "assistant for political affairs," he added.

The president also chose two assistants from the Islamist camp.

Emad Abdel Ghafour, the leader of the ultra-conservative Al-Nur Salafist party, was named "assistant in charge of relations with civil society" while Essam al-Haddad from the Muslim Brotherhoood's Freedom and Justice Party becomes assistant for "external relations and international cooperation."

Morsi, who was fielded for the presidential elections by the Freedom and Justice Party, had pledged during his campaign to include Copts in his administration.

But the Coptic community, which represents 14 percent of Egypt's 82 million people, was unhappy over the composition of the country's new cabinet which was sworn in in early August and includes only two women, one of them a Copt.

Sharkawi, who wears the veil despite not being affiliated with any Islamist party, told the independent Al-Masri al-Youm newspaper on Monday that the Muslim Brotherhood is an "expression of a moderate Islam."

The Salafist party Al-Nur had surprised everyone by wining nearly 20 percent of the seats in multi-phase parliamentary elections that concluded earlier this year.

Haddad is a member of the Freedom and Justice Party which had won most seats in the legislative polls.

These four assistants, who are destined to be close associates of the president, are part of a broader group of 17 people chosen to become "presidential advisers."

Morsi, who took office on June 30, is the first president of Egypt to come from an Islamist camp and also the first civilian head of state since the overthrow of the monarchy in 1952.

He won the first presidential election since the fall of Hosni Mubarak in February 2011 with a short margin in the second round after clashing with Ahmed Shafiq, the last premier of the deposed regime.

On August 12, Morsi significantly strengthened his powers by retiring veteran Defence Minister Field Marshal Hussein Tantawi and scrapping a constitutional document that gave the military legislative and other powers.


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Buy Domain: Keeping Matters In Balance | Iran Human Rights

One of the reasons why your website has to have its very own domain is mainly because it?s what allows it to exist in the realm of the web. When you have a website that?s likely to be put to use for your internet business, you have got to reserve a domain for it considering that it will function as its spot in the World Wide Web. Virtually any web site which is to be used for trade applications have to first have a domain in order that it may have its own spot in the online realm. Just in case clients are to reach your website, they should figure out what your domain name because this serves as its address. Your website likewise has to possess a domain name because this is what clients will input in their web browser?s address bar whenever they ever need to visit your web page. To ensure that clients to locate your web page, they have to figure out what your domain name is and get it entered in the address bar of their internet browser. Obtaining a domain name is likewise a brilliant way of giving your prospective viewers the feeling that you?re a pro and that you could very well be relied on. With an excellent domain name, you should be able to set up a reputation of professionalism and trustworthiness for your web page. Your domain name could be a useful advantage to your online business because it offers your webpage a hint of authority and it likewise generates an impression that you?re a skilled professional. Hence, you must make sure that you first buy domain name for your own web page before you start to proceed with creating it. Considering this, it might be rewarding if you would buy domain name in the beginning before you actually create your web page. Knowing this, you must attempt to buy domain in the beginning before getting on track with the style and details of your web page.

The process of domain registration starts by finding a fitting domain name. The most important thing for you to do when you?re seeking to register a domain is to think of a domain name. In registering a domain, you can expect to start by deciding on an ideal domain name. It is advisable to take your time in thinking about the domain name you will employ because this is what your visitors will keep in mind to successfully visit your web page. You must do your best in picking out a domain name for your enterprise as this is the way your visitors will be able to find your web page. Your domain name needs to be regarded as an asset for your enterprise because this is the main way that visitors are able to locate your company on the internet. This would be an excellent time to use your wits and imagination because your domain has to be able to establish the true nature of your online enterprise. You will need every ounce of imagination you have in order to think of a domain name that will clearly establish what your enterprise is about. With a little enthusiasm and imagination, you should be able to think up a domain name that will represent the genuine nature of your online enterprise. You may want to come up with a short list of feasible domain names that you could use to help you make certain that a minumum of one of them is available to be registered. Given that only one person or entity may use a domain name at one time, you should try to put together various potential alternatives to make sure you won?t have any sort of setbacks. You will still need to confirm the availability of your preferred domain name, therefore it could well be better if you have a listing of potential alternatives prepared.

There are lots of TLD?s (top-level domains) in which you can register your domain name, the most popular being the .com TLD, while some including .biz, .org, and .net are likewise popular. In registering your domain name, you have the option to pick out which top-level domain (TLD) you?ll use including .com, .net, .org, and .biz. During the entire domain registration procedure, you may also pick out which TLD (top-level domain) your website will use and the most popular ones consist of .com, .biz, .org, and .net. businesses or entities that are licensed to manage the booking of domains and for that reason you?ll be able to look forward to buy domain name from them. In an effort to buy domain name the right way, you should seek the advice of a domain registrar and they are authorized businesses that are in the industry of booking domains. Right after you?ve concluded that you?re going to buy domain name, the next step should be to pick out a firm that concentrate in the booking of domains, the domain registrar. Domain registrars usually have resources that let you verify the vacancy of the domain name you have selected. You might want to browse the web page of a domain registrar to know for certain whether or not the domain name you want to use is available for registration. The domain registrar will be able to furnish you with comprehensive details regarding the vacancy of the domain name you aspire to use. Don?t forget that registering a domain is not necessarily supposed to grant you possession over it but simply gives you the exclusive rights make use of it. It must be noted that you are not acquiring ownership of a domain by registering it, instead you are merely granted the right to make use of it. When you finally register a domain, this doesn?t make you the owner of it, and what you?re investing in is actually just for the power to use your preferred domain name.

Applying for a domain is not necessarily cost prohibitive ? in reality, it is possible to buy domain name for only $10 which happens to be good for one full year. In the event that you?re concerned about the amount you will shell out in order to buy domain name, you?ll be amazed to discover that you could obtain one for only $10 each year. A large number of domain registrars will bill you a baseline amount of $10 to buy domain name of your choice and you can also take advantage of its benefits for twelve months. Following twelve months, it is imperative that you renew your subscription if you wish to keep your liberties to your domain name. Renewal of your subscription is critical right after the twelve month timeframe in order that you continue to have the authority to utilize your preferred domain name. Because you are going to be utilizing your domain for your internet business, you should ensure to renew your subscription or else it will end up being free for subscription to other individuals. It could therefore be considered a wise decision to make your subscription renewal to automatic to ensure that you won?t need to bother about it. You may need to make certain that the renewal of your subscription is set up to automatic so there won?t be any issues. To protect yourself from any difficulties, it may be appropriate to go for automatic renewal of your subscription. Whenever you are selecting a domain registrar, you ought to take your time to pay a visit to their internet site and read thoroughly the services that they provide, their stipulations, and company description too. It is crucial that you first assess the track record of the domain registrar you will find yourself dealing with and be sure you realize what services they are promoting, their prices, and company regulations too. Before deciding on a domain registrar to do business with, you should definitely research regarding their organization, examine testimonials about them, the services they provide, and their terms and policies also.

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Sunday, August 26, 2012

Think About Baby Shower To Celebrate Your Newborn : phamaly ...

Posted by drewloupsen on Sunday, August 26, 2012 ? Leave a Comment?

These days, there are numerous baby shower thoughts to pick from many web pages, almost all of these can be achieved within clicks at your own house. For mums-to-be these days, choosing a party advisor could be the option for your special gathering. Surfing around the web could be the next good idea to search for baby shower ideas for twin babies; this is after all cost-free if you do not want to seek the services of a planner to set up the party.

There are various means on how you can keep the baby shower memories, the typical approach is by taking images right before, during as well as right after the special event. You can certainly generate a family tree decoration utilizing this shower photographs as a souvenir for your newborn baby.

The very baby shower party pictures can be loaded to a hard drive for safekeeping as well as future viewings in many years to come. Moms-to-be can pick a couple of treasured photographs and placed these straight into personalized frames. Possibly to include also the very early weeks ultrasound exam shots until baby arrives in the hospital. These photos could be gathered and make into a memory book. New born babies are usually the pride of the entire family, particularly so for brand new mum and dad, so they want to record every second from being pregnant to each and every event in their own child?s life.

In order to make the shower event more attractive, enhance the venue with lots of balloons and ribbons. Select the matching color combination of balloons or ribbons to suit the gender of the baby. Normally blue is for baby boy and pink is for little girl. Soft and light music at the background will always be the right ambient for your family and friends. In addition there are many people who choose to install LED lights as the decorative object to provide the blinking lights in the hall. LED lights come in different color tone; these lights are wonderful to be used no matter you are having an outdoor or indoor events. These lights are quite saved and produce lesser heat even if they are utilized for the entire event.

Do remember a shower special event isn?t only regarding the child, but also for the parents-to-be together with other the sisters and brothers, if any. Acquiring baby shower presents for that family rather than baby solely will be wonderful if this is affordable. A baby shower surprise for the family is actually another way of demonstrating that you value everyone in the house and treasure them for inviting you to enjoy the birth of their little baby.


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Xbox LIVE Terms of Use

LIVE Gold Subscription redemption codes are only valid for use on Xbox 360? and are not required to shop LIVE Marketplace. Microsoft Points redemption codes are valid for use on purchases from LIVE Marketplace, Zune? Marketplace and Game for Windows?-LIVE. Arcade title redemption codes are valid for use on LIVE Marketplace only.

Xbox LIVE? System Requirements with Xbox 360? system: In available games, LIVE Gold subscription required for online multiplayer; some LIVE services and downloads may require additional hardware and/or fees. LIVE is not available in all countries, visit for more information. Features and system requirements may change without notice. Subject to Terms of Use (at Broadband Internet service, Xbox 360 hard drive or 256 MB memory unit or greater required (sold separately). Hard drive recommended, and is required for some features. Some broadband services may not work with LIVE and performance may vary. Under 13 requires parental consent. See for full details. Valid in the 50 U.S. States, D.C., and Puerto Rico.

Non-refundable. The redemption code contained herein will not be replaced by Microsoft or your retailer if it is lost or stolen, and cannot be redeemed for cash.

Wii Network Services User Agreement

Last updated: November 17, 2008

Chapter I: Wii Network Service

Article 1: Grant of License

    Nintendo grants you a personal, limited, non-exclusive, revocable (in whole or in part) license to use the Wii Network Service, pursuant to this agreement. Specifically:

  • Although the Wii Network Service is intended for your personal recreational use, you are responsible for anyone using the Wii Network Service through your Wii Console (whether you gave them permission or not), and for ensuring they understand and agree to this agreement.
  • You may not use the Wii Network Service for commercial or illegal purposes, in a way that may harm another person or company, or in any unauthorized or improper manner as we may specify from time to time in this agreement, our Wii Code of Conduct, or otherwise.
  • You must clear all Content, Third-Party Data, and any other stored sensitive or personal information stored on your Wii Console prior to selling or otherwise transferring your Wii Console. If you acquire a used Wii Console, you must clear, and may not use, any of this data if still on the Wii Console when you acquire it.
  • The Wii Network Service is licensed to you for use on your Wii Console only in the United States, Canada, or Latin America.

Chapter II: Unauthorized Software, Services, or Devices or Unlicensed Accessories

    Your Wii Console and the Wii Network Service are not designed for use with unauthorized software, services, or devices or non-licensed accessories, and you may not use any of these with your Wii Console or the Wii Network Service. Such use may be illegal, voids any warranty, and is a breach of this agreement. Such use may also lead to injury to you or others or cause performance issues or damage to your Wii Console or the Wii Network Service. We (and our licensees and distributors) are not responsible for damage or loss caused by unauthorized software, services or devices or non-licensed accessories. We may take steps to disable or delete any unauthorized software, services or device installed in your Wii Console, for example, by detecting and disabling them through the Wii Network Service and/or game software. If we detect unauthorized software, services, or devices, your access to the Wii Network Service may be disabled and/or the Wii Console or games may be unplayable.

Chapter III: Updates/Changes

    You understand that the Wii Console specifications and the Wii Network Service are constantly evolving and that we may update or change your Wii Console or the Wii Network Service in whole or in part, without notice to you. Such updates may be required for you to play new Wii games or continue to access the Wii Network Service. We may also upgrade, change, or terminate the Content or game software or may discontinue offering Products without notice to you.

Chapter IV: Wii Shop

Article 1: Wii Shop Account

    You must create a Wii Shop Account to use the Wii Shop. A Wii Shop Account is personal to you. You are responsible for monitoring use of, and limiting access to, your Wii Shop Account and for anyone using your Wii Shop Account, even without your permission.

Article 2: Points

    The Wii Shop allows you to use Points to download a license to use Content or purchase Products (and may also allow you to do such things as download licenses to use certain Content for free, or use your Points to send Content to a friend). Points are primarily intended for the purchase of downloadable video game content, and are taxed accordingly. Points are not your personal property. Points have no cash or monetary value and are non-refundable.

    Once you place Points into your Wii Shop Account, you may not withdraw, sell, or transfer them to another. You are responsible for your or anyone else's use of Points in your Wii Shop Account, even if you did not give them permission to use those Points.

    If we suspect fraudulent or unlawful activity concerning your Wii Shop Account or your use of Points, we may cancel, suspend, or otherwise limit your access to all or part of the Wii Network Service. If, as a result, your Wii Shop Account or your Points are deleted, they will be reinstated at our sole discretion.

Article 3: Credit-Card Charges and Your Billing Account

    You may use your credit card to purchase Points through the Wii Shop. If you use a credit card, you represent that you are authorized to do so and you agree that you are responsible for all charges to that credit card. Unless otherwise required by law, charges to the credit card to purchase Points are nonrefundable.

Article 4: Account History

    Each time you purchase Points through the Wii Shop, and each time you use Points to license Content or purchase Products, the transaction will be reflected in your account history. Account-history information for each transaction will be available for at least one year through the Wii Shop.

Chapter V: Third-Party Data

We are not responsible for any Third-Party Data or for any action you may take relating thereto (including but not limited to modifying, distributing, or posting Third-Party Data). All Third-Party Data is the sole responsibility of the creator or sender of that Third-Party Data. Although we may choose to do so, we are not obligated to monitor, supervise, store, or maintain Third-Party Data or respond to complaints relating to Third-Party Data.

If legally permitted, we may access, use, and disclose any Third-Party Data in order to protect our rights or property, to protect other users of the Wii Network Service, or to comply with legal requirements such as a lawful subpoena. You understand that you have no expectation of privacy in anything you receive or transmit via the Wii Network Service.

Chapter VI: Other

Article 1: Third-Party Providers

    We may use third parties to provide any portion of the Wii Network Service. We may offer third party services or material to you (including Content and Products) through the Wii Network Service, so you may use Points to purchase from us a license to use such Content or to get Product. We may also allow third parties to directly provide Third-Party Data to you through the Wii Network Service.

Article 2: Intellectual Property

    We own all right, title and interest in, or have the right to distribute, use or sublicense, the Wii Network Service and the Nintendo IP. We do not provide you with any interest in the Wii Network Service or the Nintendo IP. Except as expressly authorized by us in writing, you may not create works based on the Wii Network Service or the Nintendo IP or modify, distribute, or transmit the Nintendo IP. If you do not abide by these requirements, Nintendo shall own all right, title, and interest in any works created, adapted, distributed, or transmitted via the Wii Network Service, or, in the alternative, an unlimited license thereto.

    We respect the intellectual property of others. If you believe that any material within the Wii Console infringes upon any intellectual property right which you own or control, you may file a notice of such infringement with us, as provided in Article 15. Our entire Intellectual Property Policy may be viewed at

Article 3: Hosting, Intercepting, Emulating, and Reverse-Engineering Prohibited

    You may not host, intercept, emulate, or reverse engineer any part of the Wii Console or the Wii Network Service.

Article 4: Parental Controls Function

    You may limit access to certain features of the Wii Console and the Wii Network Service through our parental controls function; however, you are responsible for any features or material that anyone accesses through your Wii Console even if you use the parental controls function.

Article 5: Code of Conduct

    Your use of the Wii Network Service is subject to the Wii Code of Conduct, which prohibits all harmful, illegal or otherwise offensive conduct. The most current version of the Wii Code of Conduct, which may be revised by us from time to time, is posted at You may also contact our customer-service department, and we will mail you the current version, free of charge.

Article 6: Submissions

    Please do not send us any creative or original materials such as ideas for toys, games, or other products, or any creative suggestions, ideas, notes, drawings, concepts, or other information through the Wii Network Service or otherwise. Any unsolicited submissions become our sole and exclusive property and may be used by us with no obligation of confidentiality, payment, or attribution.

Article 7: Protection of Personal Information

    We are committed to protecting the privacy and security of your personal information. Your use of the Wii Network Service is subject to the Wii Privacy Policy, which applies to information submitted or collected through the Wii Network Service. The most current version of the Wii Privacy Policy, which may be revised by us from time to time, is posted at You may also contact our customer-service department, and we will mail you the current version, free of charge.

Article 8: Warranties


Article 9: Limitation on Claims

    If you think you have a claim against us related to the Wii Console or the Wii Network Service, you must take legal action within one year after the date of the alleged incident. After the one-year period expires, you may never raise that claim.

Article 10: Change, Suspension or Discontinuance of Wii Network Service

    We may change, suspend, or discontinue the Wii Network Service, or any feature or aspect of the Wii Network Service, at any time, with or without notice to you, and without liability to us. This includes, but is not limited to, the availability of all or any portion of the Wii Network Service, Content, Products, Points, and the number of Points required to redeem particular Content or Products.

Article 11: Limited Responsibilities and Indemnification

    You agree to waive any and all rights to claim damages or losses caused to you or relating to your inability to use the Wii Network Service (or to anyone else using the Wii Network Service through your Wii Console). You understand you might never be fully compensated for that damage or loss if we or one of our licensees, licensors or suppliers (collectively referred to in this Article 11 as "we" or "us") somehow harm you. This is because we limit our liability to you (and to others) in several ways:

  • Your ability to recover damages or losses from us is limited: you may recover only direct damages, up to the total amount you have ever paid for Points. Generally, direct damages are losses you (or anyone else) suffer as the immediate result of something someone has done wrong.
  • You may not recover any other types of damages, no matter the reason. For example, sometimes a court will award a special amount of damages to punish the person at fault, or, a person might have to pay for damages where the person did not directly cause harm. You agree that we will never have to pay punitive, special, consequential, or incidental damages to you.
  • We are also not liable to anyone else, or for the actions or inactions of anyone else. For example, if your friend is somehow harmed using the Wii Network Service or the Wii Console, we are not responsible to you, your friend, or anyone else. If another person somehow harms you while using your Wii Console or Wii Network Service, we are not liable to you for that other person's actions.
  • These limitations on liability apply to all matters relating to the Wii Network Service and the Wii Console, including your use of the Wii Network Service and your use of Content or Products that do not specify other limitations on liability. These limitations also apply to any legal or equitable theory, including but not limited to breach of contract, breach of warranty, strict liability, negligence, or other tort. Please note, however, that some states or provinces do not permit certain limitations like these, so these limits on other damages may not fully apply to you.

    If you breach this agreement, and we or another company or person is harmed by your breach, then you must indemnify us (and our licensees, licensors, and suppliers and any of our employees) from all of the losses and costs related to your breach, including our attorneys' fees. You must also indemnify us for any claims relating to Third-Party Data modified, created, or sent by you.

Article 12: Expiration and Termination of Agreement

  • You may cancel your Wii Shop Account by contacting our customer-service department or by following the instructions in the Wii Shop. If your Wii Shop Account is canceled or terminated for any reason, you will no longer be able to use the Wii Shop. You will lose all downloaded Content and forfeit any rights to any unused Points, which become our property.
  • You may terminate this agreement by removing Content from your Wii Console, discontinuing use of the Wii Network Service, and forfeiting any rights to Points in your Wii Shop Account, which become our property.
  • We may terminate this agreement, or any portion thereof, at any time, for any reason whatsoever. Such termination will void any licenses granted in accordance with this agreement and may prevent your use of the Wii Network Service.
  • We have no obligation to return or refund Points to you, even if the agreement ends.
  • In the event this agreement is terminated or canceled, the following sections will remain in effect: Unauthorized Software, Services, or Devices or Unlicensed Accessories; Credit-Card Charges and Your Billing Account; Intellectual Property; Hosting, Intercepting, Emulating, and Reverse-Engineering Prohibited; Submissions; Warranties; Limitation on Claims; Limited Responsibilities and Indemnification; Expiration and Termination of Agreement; Governing Law, Legal Jurisdiction, and Interpretation of Agreement.

Article 13: Current Agreement and Update

    We may change the terms and conditions of this agreement, the Wii Code of Conduct, or the Wii Privacy Policy, at any time. A current version of this agreement will be available on the Internet at If you do not have Internet access, you may contact our customer-service department, and we will mail you a current version of this agreement, free of charge. We will post notice on if the agreement is changed at least 5 days before the changes become legally binding. If you do not agree to these changes, you must cancel your Wii Network Service in accordance with this agreement. If you do not have Internet access, you should periodically contact our customer-service department and ask whether there have been any changes to the agreement since the last version you obtained.

Article 14: Sale, Transfer and Assignment Prohibited

    You may not assign all or any part of this agreement or sell or transfer any Content or your Wii Shop Account to any third party. Any attempt by you to do so is void.

Article 15: Customer Service/Notices

    To contact our customer-service department regarding this agreement, you may: (i) send an email to; (ii) send a letter to Nintendo of America Inc., attn: User Agreement, 4820 150th Ave NE, Redmond, WA 98052; or (iii) call, toll free, 1-888-977-7627.

    For all legal matters, such as to file a claim against us or to notify us of an alleged infringement, you must contact or notify us in writing at: Nintendo of America Inc. Attn: General Counsel, 4820 150th Ave NE, Redmond, WA 98052.

Article 16: Governing Law, Legal Jurisdiction, and Interpretation of Agreement

    This agreement and any claims arising under it is governed by the laws of the state of Washington, without reference to conflict of laws principles. If you want to sue us with respect to a claim related to this agreement, your lawsuit must be brought in King County, Washington, and you consent to the jurisdiction of courts located there. You agree that if any part of this agreement is determined to be invalid or unenforceable, that part will no longer apply and will be considered deleted from the agreement, but all other parts of the agreement will remain in effect. You further agree that we may replace the invalid part by a provision which reflects or comes closest to reflecting the initial intention. If we choose not to enforce a provision of the agreement, you agree that we are not waiving our right to do so in the future.

Article 17: Definitions

    "Content" means the software, services, material and other data which we own or have the right to use, distribute or sublicense, and which we send to, or make available as a download through, the Wii Console or the Wii Network Service.

    "My Nintendo" means the loyalty program offered by Nintendo.

    "Nintendo IP" means all intellectual property, including but not limited to trademarks, copyrights, moral rights, inventions, patents, trade secrets, know-how and other confidential and proprietary information which we developed, own or have a license to use.

    "Points" means the points that you purchase from us through the Wii Shop or through points cards sold or distributed by us or our retailers and promotional partners and that you may exchange with us for a license to download Content or to purchase Products.

    "Products" means any goods other than Content that are made available for purchase from us through the Wii Shop.

    "Third-Party Data" means Content or other software, services, material, messages (including commercial and non-commercial messages), links to Internet sites, and other data either created by, or sent to, your Wii Console through the Wii Network Service by any non-Nintendo entity or person (including you).

    "Wii Console" means Nintendo's system (including the Wii Remote) sold and marketed by Nintendo under the Wii brand, including any succeeding systems and compatible systems.

    "Wii Network Service" means the service whereby we can distribute Content, messages (including commercial and non-commercial messages) and other data to your Wii Console, or link you to an Internet site, and whereby you can send and receive Content, messages (including commercial and non-commercial messages), and other data, including Third-Party Data, using your Wii Console. The "Wii Network Service" includes, but is not limited to, the Wii Shop.

    "Wii Shop Account" means an account on your Wii Console which you set up and use in connection with the Wii Shop.

    "Wii Shop" means our online Wii Console's store, which offers such things as Points, Content, Products, and a download service, all of which Nintendo directly or indirectly operates.

PlayStation Network Terms of Service

The code must be entered exactly as displayed. The code is good for one PlayStation Network account to redeem the entitlement to download the purchased item. Use of downloaded content subject to applicable digital rights management. See for details. Code must be redeemed when the entitlements are available for download. Code will not be replaced if lost, destroyed or stolen. No refunds.

Available hard drive space required for PS3 or PSPgo systems. Available memory on compatible Memory Stick? required for PSP system 1000-3000 series. Additional hardware or peripherals may be required.

Use of the PlayStation?Network is subject to the PlayStation Network Terms of Service and User License Agreement and applicable privacy policy, see Children under 18 must have parental consent to establish a PlayStation Network Account and may not be able to access certain content or services. Broadband service required for download; user responsible for associated fees. PlayStation Network features and offerings may change without notice.

Licensed for distribution in North America and Mexico for the PlayStation?3 system, the PSP? (PlayStation?Portable) system or both systems, depending on the item. Software license terms available at "PlayStation" and the "PS" Family Logo are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. The PlayStation Network logo is a trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. The Sony Computer Entertainment logo is a registered trademarks of Sony Corporation. The ratings icon is a registered trademark of the Entertainment Software Association.

PlayStation Network Terms of Service

The code must be entered exactly as displayed. The code is good for one PlayStation Network account to redeem the entitlement to download the purchased item. Use of downloaded content subject to applicable digital rights management. See for details. Code must be redeemed when the entitlements are available for download. Code will not be replaced if lost, destroyed or stolen. No refunds.

Available hard drive space required for PS3 or PSPgo systems. Available memory on compatible Memory Stick? required for PSP system 1000-3000 series. Additional hardware or peripherals may be required.

Use of the PlayStation?Network is subject to the PlayStation Network Terms of Service and User License Agreement and applicable privacy policy, see Children under 18 must have parental consent to establish a PlayStation Network Account and may not be able to access certain content or services. Broadband service required for download; user responsible for associated fees. PlayStation Network features and offerings may change without notice.

Licensed for distribution in North America and Mexico for the PlayStation?3 system, the PSP? (PlayStation?Portable) system or both systems, depending on the item. Software license terms available at "PlayStation" and the "PS" Family Logo are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. The PlayStation Network logo is a trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. The Sony Computer Entertainment logo is a registered trademarks of Sony Corporation. The ratings icon is a registered trademark of the Entertainment Software Association.

PlayStation Network Terms of Service

The code must be entered exactly as displayed. The code is good for one PlayStation Network account to redeem the entitlement to download the purchased item. Use of downloaded content subject to applicable digital rights management. See for details. Code must be redeemed when the entitlements are available for download. Code will not be replaced if lost, destroyed or stolen. No refunds.

Available hard drive space required for PS3 or PSPgo systems. Available memory on compatible Memory Stick? required for PSP system 1000-3000 series. Additional hardware or peripherals may be required.

Use of the PlayStation?Network is subject to the PlayStation Network Terms of Service and User License Agreement and applicable privacy policy, see Children under 18 must have parental consent to establish a PlayStation Network Account and may not be able to access certain content or services. Broadband service required for download; user responsible for associated fees. PlayStation Network features and offerings may change without notice.

Licensed for distribution in North America and Mexico for the PlayStation?3 system, the PSP? (PlayStation?Portable) system or both systems, depending on the item. Software license terms available at "PlayStation" and the "PS" Family Logo are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. The PlayStation Network logo is a trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. The Sony Computer Entertainment logo is a registered trademarks of Sony Corporation. The ratings icon is a registered trademark of the Entertainment Software Association.

Garmin Terms & Conditions

A n?Maps Lifetime subscription entitles you to receive up to four (4) map data updates per year, when and as such updates are made available on Garmin's website, for one (1) compatible Garmin product until your product's useful life expires or Garmin no longer receives map data from its third party supplier, whichever is shorter. Your n?Maps Lifetime subscription may not be transferred to another person or another Garmin product. A n?Maps Onetime purchase entitles you to receive one (1) map data update for one (1) compatible Garmin product. The update(s) you receive under the n?Maps Lifetime subscription or n?Maps Onetime purchase (as applicable) will be update(s) to the same geographic map data originally included with your Garmin product when originally purchased. In some instances, your Garmin product might not have sufficient memory remaining for you to load an update to the same map data originally included with your Garmin product, in which case you will need to either (a) select reduced map data coverage for your update(s), or (b) purchase separately a microSD card or a SD card (as applicable to your Garmin product) and load all or a portion of the map data coverage for your update(s) to the card and insert the card into the SD card or microSD card slot contained in your Garmin product.

TomTom Terms & Conditions

  1. Scope
    1. These Terms and Conditions shall apply to all purchase orders submitted or to be submitted by you for any item, service or subscription offered to you on or via the TomTom website or TomTom HOME, a TomTom device or other TomTom application (referred to in these Terms and Conditions as the "Products"), including, but not limited to, (i) hardware devices, accompanying items and accessories including devices, items or accessories containing pre-installed software ("Hardware") and (ii) services offered by TomTom from time to time ("Services"), which may include (separately or bundled. Internet-based services or location based services, data services, real time information services such as traffic information and weather forecasts, or the provision of other data, information, (third party) functionality or content, whether offered to you on a subscription basis ("Subscription") or on a pre-paid basis and delivered in one or more parts.
  2. Orders
    1. Any purchase order submitted is subject to acceptance by TomTom. Only upon acceptance by TomTom by way of an order confirmation is the agreement concluded.
    2. TomTom reserves the right to reject any orders in full or in part or to apply a maximum order amount.
    3. c. All orders for Hardware are subject to stock availability.
  3. Price and payment
    1. Prices indicated on the website are exclusive of state and local sales and use taxes. You are responsible for any such state and local sales and use taxes, and any other taxes and government levies, if any, associated with your order. If state and local sales and use taxes are due, these amounts will be added to the sale price and your payment will be inclusive of those amounts. Shipping and handling charges (if any) will apply in addition to the sale price indicated on the website and the applicable sales and use taxes. Prices are subject to change at any time but will not affect orders for Hardware, (pre-installed. software ("Software") or Services made prior to the date of the change (subject to clause 7c..
    2. All orders must be paid for through the payment service as made available by TomTom ("Payment Service"). In order to submit orders and use the Payment Service you must supply details of your preferred payment method, billing and shipping address (if applicable. and/or any other details necessary to complete the order.
    3. If, for whichever reason, collection through the Payment Service should fail, TomTom will invoice you by post for the amount payable, which must be paid by check, postal order or credit card within fifteen (15) days from the date of invoice.
  4. Delivery and risk of loss
    1. TomTom will endeavor to deliver or activate the Product within thirty (30) days of order acceptance. If multiple Products are ordered, TomTom reserves the right to deliver or activate each Product separately.
    2. Products will be delivered either to your delivery address or possession, or electronically. The risk of loss or damage to the Products will pass to you at the moment the Products are delivered to your delivery address or possession.
    3. If you refuse or neglect to take delivery of the Products, TomTom reserves the right to charge you for the reasonable cost of storing the Products until delivery can be made.
    4. If delivery to you should fail for any reason outside of TomTom's control, TomTom reserves the right to cancel the purchase agreement and refund any monies paid.
    5. If TomTom delivers a Product or an amount of a Product that you did not order or activates a Product on your device by mistake, you shall immediately inform TomTom of its mistake by email via and you shall, at TomTom's request, immediately arrange for the return of the Product (the costs of which shall be met by TomTom), de-install or destruct the Product.
    6. Acceptance of a non-ordered Product or amount of a Product does not relieve you from acceptance and payment of the Product you initially ordered, unless otherwise agreed with TomTom.
  5. Return Policy
    1. TomTom allows you to return Hardware for any reason provided that it has not yet been used at any time during the fourteen (14) business days following the date of receipt at your delivery address. If the item has not been opened, TomTom will refund the purchase price actually paid minus shipping and handling charges. If the item has been opened, TomTom will charge a 15% restocking fee in addition to shipping and handling charges. TomTom will not issue refunds for products that have been defaced, altered, used, or damaged in any way. All requests for refunds are subject to inspection by TomTom of the returned item. TomTom will issue refunds by issuing a credit to the credit card used to purchase the item. If you choose to return any Hardware, you must contact TomTom during the fourteen (14) business days following receipt by email via to obtain a Return Materials Authorization number and return the Hardware in its original packaging, free of all interests, liens, or claims otherwise, to the address provided by TomTom. TomTom will not issue any refunds in response to requests made more than fourteen (14) business days following receipt of the item. Items cannot be returned to a retail store. TomTom will only accept returns on items purchased directly from the TomTom store.
    2. Purchases of Software may be cancelled in accordance with clause 5(a. provided that the seal has not been broken. Downloading, installing or activating Software are all considered as breaking the seal.
    3. You agree that the supply of Services by TomTom will commence immediately on TomTom's acceptance of your purchase order. You will not be able to cancel the purchase agreement after supply of the Services commences, unless TomTom fails to provide the Services with reasonable care and skill.
    4. All sales of products sold as Refurbished or Road Tested are final.
  6. License, Copyright & Confidentiality
    1. Subject to these Terms and Conditions, you are granted a license to reproduce in order to install and execute the Software and/or the data, information, functionality or other content ("Content") provided to you as part of the Hardware or via for personal and private use only on the terms set out in this article 6 ("License"). You may install and use the Software and Content on only one computer device at any time and in combination with only one navigation system. You may not provide the Software or Content to others, directly or indirectly for their or anyone else's use. This License is non-exclusive and non-transferable which means that TomTom is free to license the Software and Content to other customers and that your right to use the Software and Content cannot be transferred by you to someone else or to another piece of Hardware. This License does not include any right to obtain future upgrades, updates or supplements to the Software or Content, unless TomTom has specifically indicated that obtaining such updates, upgrades or supplements is an integral part of the Product. If upgrades, updates or supplements to the Software or Content are obtained, however, the use of such upgrades, updates or supplements will be governed by these Terms and Conditions or such other terms and conditions as you shall be asked to accept prior to TomTom supplying you with the relevant upgrade, update or supplement.
    2. TomTom reserves the right, with or without notice, to discontinue update upgrade and supplement services provided to you or made available to you through the use of the Software or Content, unless the provision of such updates, upgrades or supplements forms an integral part of the Product, as indicated by TomTom at the time of sale.
    3. Without prejudice to any other rights, TomTom may immediately terminate the License without notice of default being required if you fail to comply with any material term of these Terms and Conditions which shall be understood to include clauses 6 and 9. In such event, you must destroy all copies of the Software and all of its component parts as well as any Content.
    4. Copyright and other intellectual, industrial and/or proprietary rights to the Software, to the Content, and to any copies made of it are owned by TomTom and/or its suppliers. TomTom permits you to use the Software and Content only in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. All rights not specifically granted in these Terms and Conditions are reserved by TomTom. You may either (a. make one copy of the Software solely for backup or archival purposes, or (b. transfer the Software to a single medium provided the original is kept solely for backup or archival purposes. Product manual(s) or written materials may not be copied, except for your own use. You may not copy, download, upload or in any other way reproduce Content, except for creating one copy solely for backup or archival purposes. You do not acquire ownership of the Software or Content.
    5. You acknowledge and agree that the Products were developed at considerable time and expense by TomTom and are confidential to, and a trade secret of, TomTom and/or other third parties. You undertake to maintain the Products in strict confidence and not to disclose or provide access to the Product to any third party.
  7. Subscriptions
    1. Subscriptions will be entered into for an indefinite period of time, unless TomTom and you have agreed on a fixed period of time.
    2. If your Subscription is for an indefinite period of time, either you or TomTom may terminate your Subscription by taking a notice period into account of 30 days (your notice to be sent: by e-mail via This notice period starts on the first collection date after receipt of your notice of termination by TomTom. If your Subscription is for a fixed period of time, it will automatically end upon expiration of such period of time.
    3. TomTom reserves the right to change the prices for or the terms and conditions applicable to your Subscription, subject to giving you prior notice thereof (either via email, the TomTom website or otherwise.. If such change will result in higher prices or otherwise works towards your disadvantage (but not in case the higher prices result from higher government levies or taxes), you may terminate your Subscription prior to and against the date such change comes into effect by sending an e-mail via
    4. TomTom may terminate your Subscription as per the end of a calendar month by providing at least 30 days prior notice if TomTom decides to discontinue offering such Subscription.
    5. TomTom may terminate your Subscription with immediate effect without notice of default being required if (i) you fail to comply with any material term of these Terms and Conditions which shall be understood to include clauses 6 and 9 or (ii) collection through the Payment Service for Subscriptions should fail after a second attempt.
    6. Upon termination of your Subscription, your License as detailed in clause 6 will terminate simultaneously.
  8. Third Party Software Materials
    • TomTom Products may make use of third party software codes, data, information functionality, other content and algorithms ("Third Party Materials"). The use of Third Party Materials included in the Products may be subject to other terms and conditions. The official copyright notices and specific license conditions of these Third Party Materials are to be found in or via our website You hereby agree that the submission of any order implies that you have read and accepted the terms and conditions for any Third Party Materials included in the Products ordered.
  9. Other Restrictions
    • Renting, lending, public presentation, performance or broadcasting or any other kind of distribution of the Products is prohibited. Other than as permitted by applicable legislation, you will not, and will not allow any person to, modify the Products or any part thereof, to analyze it by means of reverse engineering, to decompile or disassemble the Products, or to break or circumvent encryption or to allow or enable third parties to do so.
  10. Limited Warranty
    1. TomTom does not and cannot warrant that the Products operate in a manner that is completely error-free nor that any information provided is always accurate. Calculation errors may occur when using navigation systems such as those caused by local environmental conditions and/or incomplete or incorrect data.
    2. TomTom offers a limited warranty that the Hardware will be free from defects in workmanship and materials under normal use ("Defects") for a period of one (1. year from the date the Hardware was purchased ("Warranty Period"). Any warranty obligation of TomTom under this Section is expressly conditioned on your compliance with this Agreement. During the Warranty Period, the Hardware will be repaired or replaced by TomTom ("Limited Warranty") without charge for either parts or labor. If the Hardware is repaired after the Warranty Period has expired, the Warranty Period for the repair will expire six (6) months after the date of repair. This warranty does not cover Services.
    3. This Limited Warranty does not cover damage caused by normal wear and tear or as a result of the Hardware being opened or repaired by someone not authorized by TomTom, and does not cover damage caused by: misuse, moisture, liquids, proximity or exposure to heat and accident, abuse, non-compliance with the instructions supplied with the Hardware, neglect or misapplication. The Limited Warranty does not cover physical damage to the surface of the Hardware.
    5. In order to make a claim under the Limited Warranty of a Defect, you must contact TomTom by email during the Warranty Period via to explain the Defect and to obtain a Return Materials Authorization number if necessary. The Software or Hardware must be returned to TomTom as soon as possible following your notification of the Defect, along with an explanation of the Defect, to the address provided by TomTom. You must comply with any other return procedures stipulated by TomTom, if any.
    6. This Limited Warranty is the only express warranty made to you and is provided in place of any other express warranties or similar obligations (if any) created by any advertising, documentation, packaging, or other communications.
    7. If applicable law requires any implied warranties with respect to the Hardware, all such warranties are limited in duration to one (1. years. Some states and/or jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above may not apply to you. The provisions of this clause 10 do not affect any of your legal rights under applicable national legislation governing the sale of consumer goods.
    8. This Limited Warranty is not transferable.
    9. This clause 9 sets forth your sole and exclusive remedy in connection with any warranties granted by TomTom hereunder.
      Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts and/or do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.
  11. Limitation of Liability
    3. Notwithstanding articles 11(a. and (b.,or anything else contained in these Terms and Conditions neither party's liability for death or personal injury resulting from its own negligence shall be limited.
    4. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you. The above limitation of liability does not affect any legal rights under the applicable national legislation.
  12. Export Controls
    • You will comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including without limitation the U.S. Export Administration Act, regarding the export of technology with respect to the Products.
  13. Force Majeure
    • Force majeure means circumstances that impede the fulfillment of TomTom's obligations under these Terms and Conditions which are not within TomTom's reasonable control, including late and/or delayed deliveries and incomplete deliveries by TomTom caused by circumstances beyond TomTom's reasonable control. In a force majeure situation all of TomTom's obligations shall be suspended. Should the period in which TomTom cannot fulfill its obligations as a result of force majeure continue for longer than ninety (90) calendar days, both parties shall be entitled to dissolve the purchase agreement in writing without there being an obligation to pay any compensation whatsoever arising out of or in connection with that dissolution.
  14. Privacy
    • TomTom will not disclose information regarding your personal details, account or transactions to any third party other than in accordance with its Privacy Policy, as indicated on the website You hereby agree that you have read and accepted the Privacy Policy.
  15. Links to Third Party Websites
    • TomTom is not responsible for the content of any third-party websites or services, any links contained in third-party websites or services, or any changes or updates to third-party websites or services. Where TomTom provides links and/or access to third-party websites and/or services it is only as a convenience to you, and the inclusion of any link or access does not imply an endorsement by TomTom of the third-party site or service.
  16. Third Party Rights
    • Third parties have no rights under applicable legislation in relation to the rights of third parties to rely upon or to enforce any term of these Terms and Conditions but that does not affect any right or remedy of a third party which exists or is available apart from such applicable legislation.
  17. Survival
    • Any provisions in these Terms and Conditions which by their nature extend beyond the termination or expiration of any sale or license of the Products will remain in effect.
  18. Severability
    • If any provision of these Terms and Conditions is deemed to be void, invalid, unenforceable or illegal, the other provisions shall continue in full force and effect. You and TomTom are deemed to have agreed to new terms and conditions in substitution for such invalid provisions. These new terms and conditions shall be interpreted, as regards their contents and effect, as closely as possible to the original text as written but in such a way that rights can indeed be derived from them.
  19. Governing law
    • These Terms and Conditions and any disputes related to these Terms and Conditions or to the purchase and use of the Products or otherwise are subject to the laws of Massachusetts. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sales of Goods is hereby excluded from application to these Terms and Conditions. All disputes arising out of these Terms and Conditions shall be settled by the courts of Boston, which will have exclusive jurisdiction in respect of any such disputes.
  20. Translations
    • This English version of these Terms and Conditions is the version that governs your purchase, of Products from TomTom if you are located in the Unites States of America.

Should you have any questions, suggestions or complaints concerning your order, your purchase, these Terms and Conditions, or if you desire to contact TomTom for any reason, please do so by email by visiting TomTom's website at

Version May 2009

IMPORTANT NOTICE: To use this code, you need an Xbox 360 console connected to broadband Internet. You also need to accept the Xbox LIVE Terms of Use.


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