Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Happy Hour Tour: Twitter Wine Tasting: Valentine's Day

Just in time for Valentine?s Day, The Happy Hour Tour was invited to participate in Fresh & Easy?s Twitter Wine Tasting, a way-fun at-home wine party where fellow food & drink bloggers tweet about 3 wines handpicked by Fresh & Easy?s resident wine buyer, Richard Wherry.


JG and our Twitter Wine Tasting Spread!

Our party kicked off at HHT Headquarters with a ?Pretty in Pink? theme, ok we just watched the movie and had some fuchsia raspberries to pair with our cheddar cheese marbled with chocolate (wowee zowee!). It also suited our delicious first wine selection, the Montcadi Cava, a Spanish sparkling wine, that was perfect on its own or would be terrific in a mimosa (as our helpful Fresh & Easy grocer recommended). The wine turned out to be our favorite of the evening and we easily finished the bottle that night!

Our wine spread for the evening, notice whose on the attack in the background!

Our second selection took us to Italy, the Ombretta Chianti. The Happy Hour Tour was the first Tweeter to make a SILENCE OF THE LAMBS joke (of course about chianti and fava beans) ? total bragging rights, we know. As our sommelier informed us, the woodsy scent of the wine comes from its four months in French oak ? elevating the aromatics and adding depth. He also noted that the high acidity in the wine makes it a great pair with tomato-based foods and charcuterie. That?s a lot more in depth than what we came up with; we merely enjoyed the wine with cheese & crackers, but? didn?t finish the bottle.

Mad scientist JB opening the Chianti!


Our final selection was right on for the Valentine?s season, where chocolate can be found in anything and everything (eg cheese), Chocolate Shop wine. Made in Washington State?s Columbia Valley, the chocolate wine is created by adding dark chocolate extract to just fermented Merlot and Syrah grapes. The wine smelled positively awesome ? just like chocolate and wine ? but we found the taste to be a somewhat acquired one, a little too chocolate extract-y. Not exactly our cup of chocolate, but still pretty yum.

Somebody loves wine (bottles)!

After an hour or so of tasting/tweeting/taking pictures, we said goodbye to our fellow Fresh & Easy friends and continued our party at Happy Hour Tour HQ #2, The Woods! Speaking of which, be sure to watch ?Justified? on FX; our bartender pal Brendan (also a werewolf in ?True Blood?) plays a bad guy this season!!?

Special thanks to Richard Wherry, Allison Osorio, and the entire Fresh & Easy gang!

-- JB

Source: http://thehappyhourtour.blogspot.com/2012/02/twitter-wine-tasting-valentines-day.html

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Monday, February 27, 2012

6 Health And Fitness Tips | Infra Mundos Health

Here are 6 of the top health and fitness tips, ranging from healthy eating habits to programs for exercising. These are health and fitness tips that will help you with weight loss and an overall healthier lifestyle.

1. Drink plenty of water. This is something that you have likely heard many times already, and there is a good reason for this. Drinking water helps to decrease your appetite and eliminate cravings. It also nourishes and hydrates your body on the inside and out. This includes your skin. If you can, you want to drink half of your body weight in ounces per day.

2.If you want to lose weight quicker and have a healthier heart, you should really think about trying some interval cardio training. Try the basic formula of sprinting and then walking in back-to-back intervals. Find a flat stretch of road that is about 50 yards long, and sprint the whole thing. Come back taking a slow walk. Repeat this as many times as you can. Keep in mind that you need to warm up first, and you should also cool down when you complete the workout. This kind of training will increase your metabolism, burn extra fat, and take less time than other cardio workouts.

3.Avoid sugar at all costs! This is one of the most important health and fitness tips. Your body releases insulin when you take in sugar. Insulin makes your body store fat. This is why you actually gain more weight when you eat those fat-free foods with extra sugar. Examine product labels and avoid foods that have a lot of sugar and high fructose corn syrup. These two ingredients are commonly found in the so-called healthy breakfast cereals and bars.

4.Try to add more of the following into your diet:
*Olive oil
*Natural peanut butter
*Whole grains
*Protein powder

By consuming these foods you will burn more body fat and improve your health.

5.Add weight training to your workout. By adding muscle to your body, you will increase your life expectancy, give your body strength and burn body fat. You can tone up by using a weight that you can lift 8-12 times. You can add bulk by using a weight that you can lift 4-6 times. Practice your weight training routine 2-3 times a week, and keep each session under 45 minutes.

6.You should always take a quality multivitamin. In general, hardly anyone gets enough vitamins and minerals just by consuming food. This is why you have to take a vitamin in conjunction with healthy eating habits. Most people are lacking severely in omega-3 fatty acids, and this is supposedly what contributes to a lot of health issues, namely obesity. The easiest way to get omega-3?s in your diet is by taking fish oil softgels. You want to take between 2,000 to 3,000 mg a day.

This is by no means a comprehensive list, however if you follow these simple health and fitness tips, you will be well on your way to a healthier you!

Georgia and Rene are joined by CrackBerry Kevin Michaluk to kickoff Mobile Nations Fitness Month. We break down how best to get started, set attainable goals, and get results, and address some of the most common questions and misconceptions. This is ZEN and TECH!
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Related Health And Fitness Articles

Source: http://www.inframundos.com/2012/02/6-health-and-fitness-tips/

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Thursday, February 23, 2012

WATCH: Star Jones & Barbara Walters Reunite on 'The View'

The longstanding feud between Star Jones and Barbara Walters came to an end today, as Jones returned to The View for the first time in nearly six years. Jones, one of the chat show's original hosts, was fired by ABC in June 2006; the bad blood with Walters began when Jones interrupted a live show to announce her departure, rather than doing it during a planned segment. But Walters, 82, was all smiles when her former colleague returned on Wednesday.

Source: http://www.ivillage.com/star-jones-barbara-walters-reunite-view/1-a-430917?dst=iv%3AiVillage%3Astar-jones-barbara-walters-reunite-view-430917

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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

US team says Honduras prison fire was an accident (AP)

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

The bodies of inmates who were killed in a prison fire are transported within the morgue in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, Tuesday Feb. 21, 2012.  A prison fire in Comayagua on Feb. 14 killed over 300 inmates. (AP Photo/Esteban Felix)AP - U.S. investigators concluded Tuesday that the deadliest prison fire in a century was accidental, and may have been caused by a lit match, cigarette or some other open flame.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/latam/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120222/ap_on_re_la_am_ca/lt_honduras_prison_fire

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BU Literary Lions Take the Stage Tonight | BU Today | Boston ...

Among those participating in tonight?s faculty reading are (clockwise, from top left) Ha Jin (GRS?94), Chloe Martinez (GRS?06), Robert Pinsky, Molly Smith Metzler (GRS?02), Leslie Epstein, Rosanna Warren, and Sigrid Nunez. Photo of Molly Smith Metzler by Carolyn Fong. Photo of Sigrid Nunez by Marion Ettlinger

One of Boston?s premier literary events takes place tonight when BU?s Creative Writing Program hosts its annual Faculty Reading, where faculty and recent graduates of the program read from their poems, novels, and plays?some of which have never been shared publicly.

The six faculty members reading are Ha Jin (GRS?94), a College of Arts & Sciences professor of creative writing, who will read from his latest novel, Nanjing Requiem (Pantheon, 2011), poet Rosanna Warren, BU?s Emma Ann MacLachlan Metcalf Professor of the Humanities, novelist Sigrid Nunez, a CAS visiting lecturer, Robert Pinsky, a CAS professor of English and former three-time U.S. poet laureate, Leslie Epstein, Creative Writing Program director, and poet and critic Dan Chiasson, a CAS lecturer in creative writing, whose most recent book is Where?s the Moon, There?s the Moon: Poems (Knopf, 2011).

The evening will also feature readings from two recent program graduates, playwright Molly Smith Metzler (GRS?02) and poet Chloe Martinez (GRS?07). Metzler, whose play Close Up Space was produced by the Manhattan Theatre Club last year in a production starring Frasier?s David Hyde Pierce, says she plans to read from her new comedy, Elemeno Pea.

Metzler says she loves writing for the stage, primarily because it?s so hard to do. ?You get nothing?you get a blank stage and a blank page,? she says. ?Yet your job is to create a blueprint for something worthy of enormous collaboration, worthy of a director, and actors, and designers and an audience that is going to willingly sit in a dark room with strangers for 90 minutes. It?s a humbling and terrifying and thrilling and exceptional responsibility.?

Warren, who will read from her poem ?Glaucoma,? recently published in the New Yorker, says the poem ?came right out of autobiography: medical reality, a friend?s death, the impending loss of a property to which my partner and I have been very attached.? She also plans to read ?a zany political poem,? she says.

Epstein will read excerpts from his just published novel Liebestod: Opera Buffa with Leib Goldkorn (W. W. Norton, 2012). ?I have been reading different parts of this novel for the full five years it has taken to write this book,? Epstein notes. ?At last I can stop. Farewell, Leib, you sweetheart! You darling! Farewell!?

Dan Chiasson, poetry, The New Yorker, Boston University Creative Writing faculty

Photo by Annie Adams

Dan Chiasson (left) has written four books and received numerous awards, including a Guggenheim fellowship and a Pushcart Prize. He is an associate professor of English at Wellesley College as well as teaching at BU and is the New Yorker poetry editor. BU Today recently spoke with him about what inspires him to write and the new poem he?ll read tonight.

BU Today: You were in your mid 20s when you started writing poetry seriously. What drew you to poetry?

Chiasson: I was drawn to reading poetry at an early age. I never studied an instrument for very long as a kid; a few flute lessons was as far as I got. But I think I had essentially a musician?s approach to language. Language was my instrument. It?s true that I stopped thinking of myself as a ?poet? after high school, but that was mainly because I was so immersed in the poetry of the past, I figured I could never match up. I mean, if you spend your days reading Milton, in one way that?s inspiring, but in lots of other ways it?s pretty humbling.

When you begin writing a poem, how do you approach it?

I write poetry so infrequently. I?m not the kind of person who has a writing desk with piles of drafts on it. I suppose I just work things over in my head until I?m ready to go. I usually write very rapidly once I?m in something. The long poem in my next book, called ?Bicentennial,? I wrote in an afternoon, standing up at the counter of an apartment we were renting in Paris. Occasionally an email would come in; I?d answer it and go back to writing the poem. It was, and is, an odd, mixed state of immersion and distraction when I?m writing.

Where do you find inspiration?

I?ve found inspiration in any number of things; I never know ahead of time what will work. The main thing is to develop habits and hobbies that remove the conscious mind from the burden of ?must write a poem; must be inspired.? So I write lots of essays, and correct my students? papers, and play with my kids, or talk with my wife, or fret over money, or watch a baseball game, or look at old YouTube clips of news broadcasts from my childhood?whatever. Something ends up being ?inspiring.?

Does your work as New Yorker poetry critic inform your poetry, and vice versa?

I don?t know many poets very well; my wife isn?t a poet; the vast majority of my friends are not poets or writers; my family wasn?t a highly literary family. So writing reviews and teaching (the two are a lot alike) are my way of explaining myself, explaining what matters to me on the inside, to readers whose interest in poetry I can?t take for granted. Writing poetry is very different. It feels more like secrecy than candor, more like privacy than congeniality. When I write a poem, I figure somebody somewhere might be able to explain it. When I write reviews or teach, I?m that somebody.

As a critic, what do you think makes for a good poem?

Honestly I have no idea. I like all kinds of poetry. I can only be very vague: poetry has to surprise without being gimmicky, it has to have an emotional core, and it has to have a playful, insouciant attitude towards language. Robert Frost called poetry ?play for mortal stakes.? I agree.

With all your other duties, how difficult is it to find time to write?

Free time is very bad for my writing. So I try to keep as busy as possible, and figure the poems will come. I write more poetry now, with kids and jobs and writing assignments with deadlines, than I did when I had all the time in the world to waste. I am a great waster of free time; there needs to be almost none for me to be happy. Reading is another matter; I often feel I don?t have enough time or mental sharpness to read what I need to read to keep my mind fueled.

What poet influenced you when you began writing poetry?

Too many to name. But Frank Bidart made a real difference to me personally; he has taught me the most of anyone in my life about poetry. Robert Pinsky read at Amherst when I was an undergraduate; I?ve never forgotten it, and I think his ?music? is probably the music I?ve learned the most from, found most useful. At Harvard, it was Jamaica Kincaid, my dear friend and our older son?s godmother, who most inspired me to be a writer: her uncompromising idea that writers tell the truth, plain and simple, along with her wild mind and sense of humor. Louise Gl?ck has been an incredible friend and a constant source, in her work, of surprise and invention and just pure human intelligence.

What will you read tonight?

I?m going to read, very rapidly because we don?t have a lot of time, the title poem from my next book, Bicentennial. It?s about my earliest memories of the Bicentennial parade in Battery Park, Burlington, Vt. I was five. I think it?s cool that my earliest memories?there are none earlier?were of that day and celebration. There was a band concert with veterans in uniform. There were hippies. All these names for what I was seeing, of course, came later; all I have is inchoate impressions. The poem is about my childhood and the sensation of getting one little sliver of history that?s yours to glimpse, before it?s other children?s turns to glimpse their little sliver, and on and on. It has a Ferris wheel in it. I think almost constantly about Ferris wheels and other amusement rides these days.

The annual Creative Writing Program Faculty Reading is tonight, February 22, in the Photonics Center Auditorium, 8 St. Mary?s St., at 7 p.m. It is free and open to the public. More information is available at 617-353-2510, by email at crwr@bu.edu, or here.

Source: http://www.bu.edu/today/2012/bu-literary-lions-take-the-stage-tonight/

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Managed Computing Business - IT SW11 Solutions, Consulting ...

computing IT SW11There are actually numerous causes why a corporation must seriously consider hiring managed IT SW11?services to help move their organization forward. Devoid of a maximized workflow and optimally functioning technology, a business could shed important details through complications that may well arise. Regardless of what size corporation you are dealing with, ensure you consider finding a service that will assist you with the heavy lifting. Unless you?re going to start an in-house IT department, you will must look at enhancing your company with an outsourced tech team. You will find three big factors why picking an outside IT business is an excellent choice.

Danger Management ? If you hire a tech business to manage personal computer assistance services, you may feel confident in your office technologies and concentrate on small business operations. Instead of hiring an in-house team that would take up space and resources in your spot of enterprise, you may instead reduce the dangers involved with hiring, insurance and much far more by merely getting an IT service that is definitely separate from your business enterprise place.

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Source: http://www.itservices-london.com/it-sw11-2011201213392/

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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Investing in Clean Technologies - Society - EzineMark

Today we are suffering from the sudden changes of our climate, stronger typhoons, longer and hotter summer and colder winters. We must do something to adapt to this so called climate change but also we must do something to lessen the production of pollution to lessen the carbon footprint. It is essential that we do something today and investing in clean technologies is a way to adapt to climate change. Clean technology is simply the use of environment friendly technologies like energy efficient appliances that has less energy consumption and therefore produces less pollution unlike the traditional appliances available today. It also include recycling and using of renewable energy resources.

Investing in clean technologies maybe initially expensive but it is more sustainable, like the use of solar panels, wind energy, bio-energy fuels, biomass and hydropower.

These energy sources produce less green house gases and depend on renewable resources. Mark Spellun from Plenty magazine reported that corporations who invested are having optimistic returns nowadays. Investors of these technologies have larger and fast growing markets since it was proven that it is as competitive as conventional sources of energy. It was also stated that there are increased purchases of renewable energy and that their market is fixedly growing. Also Mark Spellun noted that there is a 30% tax deduction specifically in the US when using clean technologies at homes. Nowadays, the most common clean technology as a source of alternative energy is the solar panels that are now being transformed into solar films for lesser costs. Solar thermal is also used to store energy.

It was also pointed out that investing takes longer time to breakeven with the cost however the demand for clean technologies is still there.

It may take time to fully recover the initial cost but the sustainability is there and continuous production of alternative energy is fixed. Mark Spellun also said that these renewable energy is the future, the solar film panels that will store energy will be the future source of energy for cars and the source of energy of future houses. Clean technology is really the future source of energy.

The trend on clean technology investment is increasing, therefore there are more corporations who ventures into technology today. This is to say that people are now gearing towards sustainability and are more aware of the changes in the environment. It realize the environment and social benefits that can be derived from their use. Production of sustainable energy with low carbon emissions and less production of green house gasses are the main objective of clean technology, with this climate change will not worsen. Turning green is the new trend today because changes in the environment are evident enough and choosing to turn a blind eye from these problems will only make it worse up to the extent that the people can do nothing to change what is happening. Adapting is a must for developed and developing countries.

Source: http://society.ezinemark.com/investing-in-clean-technologies-7d34158c01e9.html

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SA troops tackle rhino poachers

South Africa is to deploy hundreds of extra troops along its borders to help fight gangs smuggling rhino horns, the government has announced.

Justice Minister Jeff Radebe said four military companies would be sent to the borders with Zimbabwe, Swaziland and Lesotho.

Syndicates export the horns from Africa to parts of Asia and the Middle East.

In 2011, a record 450 rhinos were killed by poachers in South Africa, the Department of Environment Affairs says.

Mr Radebe said about 600 soldiers would join the fight against rhino poaching.

"The deployment includes army engineers who are conducting repairs and maintenance on the Zimbabwe-Mozambique border fence, which is approximately 140 kilometres (85 miles)," Mr Radebe said.

Last year troops were deployed along the Mozambican border, many of them inside the world-famous Kruger National Park where more than 200 rhinos were killed last year.

"Effective border management is part of the government crime prevention strategy, which assists to deal with cross-border crime syndicates and curb poaching," said Mr Radebe.

The number of rhinos killed in South Africa has soared in recent years to meet the demand for their horns in Asian traditional medicine, especially in China and Vietnam, where they are thought to have powerful healing properties.

But scientists say rhino horns are made from the same material as fingernails and have no proven medicinal properties.

Still, the demand for them has surged over the years; the black market price of rhino horn is now in the region of ?35,000 ($55,000) per kg.

South Africa has become the focal point of the rhino trade because it has between 70 and 80% of the global population - about 20,000 animals.

The country's government has commissioned a study into whether legalising the trade in rhino horn could help reduce poaching.

Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/go/rss/int/news/-/news/world-africa-17098612

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Calgary Aromatherapy

Published by Sherry | February 19, 2012 | | 18

Health and Natural Lifestyles is the best place in Calgary for aromatherapy

Health and Natural Lifestyles is a place where you will find a staff of educated and caring individuals with a passion for helping others live an informed and healthy life. They pass on their knowledge and experience to their clients in an effort to help them achieve a higher quality of life without the use of medication or surgery, utilizing specialized techniques like iridology, personalized nutritional counseling and aromatherapy to help make you feel your best.

Janet Rowe is a highly qualified professional, with three certifications in blood analysis and additional certifications in iridology, aromatherapy, nutrition, homeopathy and more. Her staff work hard to help you understand the results they find thru both dried and live blood samples, screening for issues that are not commonly looked for in a normal blood screen. Their expertise in a variety of disciplines is at your disposal to help with a variety of issues, including boosting your immune system and helping with diabetes, back pain and arthritis. Experience the positive effects of aromatherapy and enjoy its relaxing and invigorating properties. The art and science of extracting highly concentrated oils from plants to fully utilize their potential is a skill that takes a great deal of time and effort to master, and the fact that Health and Natural Lifestyles has been recognized as the best aromatherapist in Calgary stands as a testament to their success. Iridology is an excellent way to identify health issues quickly and safely, and is a skill that few possess to a great degree. Their staff can explain findings to you and offer advice as to your options. Nutritional counseling is offered to educate you on the importance of each of the components to a healthy diet. By analyzing your current needs and goals they are able to show you which diet choices can help you improve your physical and mental well being. They have a wealth of information to share with you in order to help you and your family live better. Rife treatments are utilized to assist people suffering from ailments from cancer to back pain with amazing results. Health and Natural Lifestyles is also very picky about which products they carry in stock, seeking out only those with the highest quality natural ingredients that are free of fillers and synthetics. They can also ship products to your home or business to save you time. This impressive list of goods and services serves only as an introduction to Health and Natural Lifestyles, Calgary?s best aromatherapist and winner of the Consumers Choice Award.

The Consumers Choice Awards understand the choices available to consumers today, and how hard it can be to find businesses that go that extra mile for their customers. They also understand that by rewarding businesses that dedicate themselves to serving their customers they help to increase the quality of service throughout communities by encouraging business excellence. They have worked for decades in cities across Canada and the United States gathering data from consumers to learn which places of business stand out in their minds when they think of outstanding service in their area. Their unique data collecting process allows them to learn from the people who shop locally every day instead of relying on the opinions of a panel of experts. Calgary has spoken and their choice for aromatherapy is Health and Natural Lifestyles.

Thank you Consumers Choice Awards for all of your hard work and dedication, without which we would not be able to so easily identify businesses that care about their customers. You can find Health and Natural Lifestyles at their storefront on 524 ? 42nd Avenue SE. They can be reached by phone at (403) 212-6077.

Source: http://www.1directory.net/health-fitness/calgary-aromatherapy-6267.html

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Charleston SC Personal Injury Attorney | Attorney and Lawyer

A Charleston SC personal injury lawyer has many responsibilities in representing his or her clients. These responsibilities include both professional and ethical rules and codes of conduct set forth by the SC bar associations. Once a lawyer has passed his state?s bar exam they are legally permitted to file legal complaints, argue cases in the state court, draft legal documents, and offer legal advice to victims of personal injury in South Carolina.

In order to practice law in South Carolina, a Charleston personal injury lawyer must pass a written bar examination and, in some cases, an ethics examination. The bar examinations can vary on a state-to-state basis. However, most states, including South Carolina require applicants to have completed a four-year college degree and a law degree from an accredited law school. Once admitted to the South Carolina state bar, Charleston personal injury lawyers must remain up-to-date on the latest legal and non-legal developments in their field of practice (personal injury) by completing a required number of continuing legal education courses designed to help Charleston personal injury lawyers stay abreast of all the developments in their chosen field. The number of CLE hours required varies state-to-state.

The career structure of many lawyers varies widely. Once they are licensed, a Charleston lawyer may take on any kind of case whether or not they experience in that category. However, SC legal ethics require that inexperienced lawyer to enlist appropriate help or take the time to learn more about the issues to competently represent his or her client. Most Charleston lawyers prefer to stick to one practice area of the law to gain the knowledge and experience necessary to provide the competent legal representation to their clients.

There are many specialized areas of South Carolina personal injury litigation that Charleston personal injury lawyers might choose to focus on. Accidents, medical malpractice, work place injuries, product defects, and many others make up the category of South Carolina personal injury litigation. Personal injury attorneys in South Carolina sometimes will choose a specific area of litigation within personal injury law, so that, they can become an expert in that niche. These may include categories like aviation accidents, trucking accidents, medical malpractice, etc.

As with all other types of lawyers, Charleston personal injury lawyers may choose to start a solo practice or they may join a small, mid-size, or large practice as an associate. Charleston personal injury lawyers may also be partners (owners) of a law firm. Possibly becoming a partner one day. Sole practitioners of Charleston personal injury law offer many benefits to their clients, which include ? personal attention, one-on-one working relationship between the lawyer and their client. Sole practitioners are also more willing to take on smaller cases and often have lower fees and costs.

Learn more about charleston sc personal injury attorney, Stop by our site where you can find out all about Charleston SC Auto Accident Attorneys and what we can do for you.

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Posted by Jack Calahan on February 20, 2012. Filed under Attorney. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

Source: http://www.attorneyandlawyer.net/charleston-sc-personal-injury-attorney/

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Monday, February 20, 2012

Top UN inspectors in Iran for crunch nuclear talks (Reuters)

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

Thai police officers escort Iranian suspect Mohammad Khazaei, 42, at the Metropolitan Police Bureau in Bangkok February 20, 2012.  Thai police said last Friday they were looking for a fifth person in connection with a series of blasts in Bangkok blamed on Iranians who may have been targeting Israeli diplomats, as in India and Georgia earlier in the week.   REUTERS/Chaiwat Subprasom  (THAILAND - Tags: CRIME LAW TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY)Reuters - Senior U.N. inspectors arrived in Iran on Monday to push for transparency about its disputed nuclear program, a day after Tehran responded defiantly to tightened EU sanctions by halting oil sales to British and French companies.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/world/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20120220/wl_nm/us_iran_nuclear

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Acquiring Unoccupied property insurance - Speed Vision Wc

Posted February 20th, 2012 by Anthony

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Source: http://www.speedvisionwc.com/2012/02/20/acquiring-unoccupied-property-insurance/

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Bachmann: Obama killing OBL only ???a tactical success,??? calls foreign policy a ???strategic blunder??? [VIDEO] (Daily Caller)

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Daily Caller - On Sunday’s “State of the Union” on CNN, former Republican presidential hopeful Michele Bachmann she said that President Barack Obama?s foreign policy positions are his greatest weakness, and that Republicans shouldn’t be overly concerned about the heightened attacks among the candidates in the remaining GOP field.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/obama/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/dailycaller/20120219/pl_dailycaller/bachmannsaysobamakillingoblonlyatacticalsuccess

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Source: http://www.tracklightingkitslab.com/2012/02/18/a-history-as-well-as-options-that-come-with-nordictrack-best-elliptical-trainer/

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Friday, February 17, 2012

Fans can follow Houston service on Web at AP site (AP)

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

Yamda Johnson, watches as her friend Regina Kujemya, both from Staten Island, N.Y. signs a large poster of Whitney Houston while paying their respects at New Hope Baptist Church, in Newark, N.J., Wednesday, Feb. 15, 2012. The 48-year-old pop star was found dead in the bathtub in her hotel room at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Saturday, hours before she was supposed to appear at a pre-Grammy gala. Houston's funeral will be held at the church on Saturday. (AP Photo/Rich Schultz)AP - Fans worldwide who want to bid Whitney Houston farewell will be able to watch her private funeral on the Internet.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/internet/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120216/ap_en_mu/us_whitney_houston_funeral

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House Speaker Boehner sees payroll tax vote this week (Reuters)

WASHINGTON (Reuters) ? A tentative deal to renew a payroll tax cut through the rest of this year likely will be finalized and voted on by the House of Representatives by the end of the week, House Speaker John Boehner said on Wednesday.

Representative Kevin McCarthy, the No. 3 House Republican, told Reuters that if a bipartisan negotiating panel signs off on the deal, as is anticipated, there will be enough votes in the House to pass it.

The proposed deal would extend a payroll tax cut for 160 million U.S. workers, extend jobless benefits for millions of others and prevent deep cuts in payments to doctors who treat elderly Medicare patients.

Speaking with reporters following a closed-door meeting of House Republicans, Boehner said, "I do expect, if the agreement comes together -- like I expect it will -- the House should vote this week."

"There is an agreement in principle," Boehner added. "But there are a lot of details that are yet to be worked out. I'm hopeful that will be wrapped up today."

McCarthy noted that traditionally when House and Senate negotiators agree on a deal, it enjoys broad bipartisan support in both chambers.

"If everybody (negotiators) signs it, I would expect it to be able to go through" the House, McCarthy said.

(Reporting By Thomas Ferraro; Editing by Vicki Allen and Sandra Maler)

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/economy/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20120215/pl_nm/us_usa_taxes_payroll

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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Sean Penn: British media pushing war vs. Argentina (AP)

MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay ? Sean Penn is accusing British media of opting for war over diplomacy to resolve the United Kingdom's dispute with Argentina about the islands that both countries claim in the far South Atlantic.

The Oscar-winning actor said in Uruguay that British journalists had twisted his comments the day before in support of Argentina's push for a U.N.-sponsored negotiated settlement to the sovereignty dispute.

Penn said Tuesday night that "Good journalism saves the world. Bad journalism destroys it."

London's conservative Daily Mail called Penn's statement "an ugly attack on the press" by a "left-wing U.S. actor" in its Wednesday editions and quoted Parliament member Patrick Mercer as labeling Penn's comment "moronic."

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/world/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120215/ap_on_re_la_am_ca/lt_uruguay_sean_penn

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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Weekday Vegetarian: Red Mjadara : TreeHugger

Photo: Kelly Rossiter/CC BY 2.0

When my book club met last week we were talking about a book called Day of Honey by Anna Ciezadlo, which partly takes place in war-torn Beirut and Afghanistan. Needless to say, the theme for the dinner was Middle Eastern food and I offered to make Red Mjadara, the recipe for which appears at the back of the memoir.

I made a Mujaddara (there are many ways to spell it), right about this time last year, but this recipe is quite different. This uses bulgar rather than rice, and it makes a much subtler dish, perfumed with spices.

It looks like a lot of work, but it really was quite easy, you just have to be there to pay attention to it while the onions caramelize. It made an absolutely extraordinary amount. There were seven of us at dinner, I sent leftovers home with the others, we had it for lunch the next day, and there was still enough for my daughter to take to a pot luck. Luckily, it improves with age.

Red Mjadara

2 1/2 cups small brown lentils
2 cups coarse bulgar wheat
2 tbsp salt, divided
8 cups water, plus more as needed
2 cups cold water
1/2 cup olive oil
1/2 canola oil
1 tsp ground coriander
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp freshly ground black pepper
1 tsp Aleppo pepper
1/4tsp allspice
1/4 tsp cinnamon

Cooking the Lentils

1. Rinse the lentils and bulgar separately and drain. Put the lentils in a medium cooking pot with 1 tablespoon of salt and eight cups of water. Bring to a boil and skim off the scum. Cover the pot and turn the heat down to low. Simmer the lentils very slowly, about 40 minutes. Stir the lentils occasionally adding more water if needed.

Cooking the Onions

1. Get two cups of cold water ready to throw over the onions when they are done. Heat the olive and canola oils in a large pot or a Dutch oven over medium-high heat. When the oil starts to heave and shimmer, throw in a little of the onion; if it sizzles dramatically, the oil is ready. Add the onions and cook for about 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.

2. At this point the onions should be expelling a lot of liquid, almost boiling in a mix of oil and onion juice. Turn up the heat and stir them enough to keep from sticking.

3. After 10 to 15 minutes the onions should have expelled most of their liquid. when they begin to caramelize, developing little flecks of reddish brown at the edges, lower the heat slightly and keep stirring. This is a good time to check your lentils. They should be simmering quietly, soaking up the liquid. If they are bubbling at all, turn down the heat.

4. By now the onions should be golden brown all over and darker brown around the edges. Start stirring them more frequently - you can ignore the lentils for now - and turn up the heat under the onions. Once they start turning reddish brown and crispy, almost burning, make sure your 2 cups of water is ready. Do not stop stirring. The next few minutes are crucial. If the phone rings, don't answer it.

5. At a certain point, usually about 35 or 40 minutes after you put them on, the onions will begin to change very rapidly. They will puff up like Rice Krispies and start turning dark reddish brown, almost maroon. They will start to give off a bacony, almost burn aroma. As soon as that happens immediately pour the cold water over them, take them off the heat and keep stirring. They will continue to keep sizzling for about 30 seconds. Keep stirring until they settle down.

Cooking the Mjadara

1. Check the lentils. By now they should have soaked up most of the water. If they are soft and some of them are beginning to burst, they are ready.

2. Move the onions back over high heat. When they are boiling vigorously, through in the lentils, spices and enough water to cover by about 1 inch. Bring back to a boil and continue to boil for about 10 minutes. Test the lentils. They should be really soft now, almost crumbling. Taste and adjust for salt. Add the bulgar and turn the heat down to medium-low. Let it cook for 10 minutes.

3. Taste the bulgar for doneness. It should be chewy, almost fluffy, without a hint of bite. Adjust for salt again, cover it tightly and allow to sit in a warm place, over a very low heat, or in a warm oven, for at least an hour before serving. Serve with something acidic: pickles, lemon, tabouleh.

Source: http://www.treehugger.com/easy-vegetarian-recipes/weekday-vegetarian-red-mjadara.html

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Training for a Career as a Critical Care Nurse Practitioner

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Serious about becoming a critical care nurse practitioner? This occupation has more people looking into it since there is a high demand for skilled professionals to fill the available positions. Because of the extensive training ...

Source: http://www.1directory.net/health-fitness/training-for-a-career-as-a-critical-care-nurse-practitioner-4043.html

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Sunday, February 12, 2012

A Place for Strangers and Beggars - Speaking to Writers

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Occasionally local writing groups ask me to speak to them about writing and publishing. My publishing record gives me this chance to share with others. Also, sometimes I serve as a guest speaker in other teachers' ...

Source: http://jimvanpelt.livejournal.com/390455.html

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Thursday, February 9, 2012

Jamaica government destroys 2,000 guns in furnace

Police officers carry seized handguns, zip-tied into bundles, to a waiting truck at the police armory, in Kingston, Jamaica, Tuesday Feb. 7, 2012. Roughly 2,000 seized guns were transported to a local cement factory and melted down by police and UN officials. (AP Photo/ David McFadden)

Police officers carry seized handguns, zip-tied into bundles, to a waiting truck at the police armory, in Kingston, Jamaica, Tuesday Feb. 7, 2012. Roughly 2,000 seized guns were transported to a local cement factory and melted down by police and UN officials. (AP Photo/ David McFadden)

A police officer carries a bundle of seized handguns to a waiting truck at the police armory, in Kingston, Jamaica, Tuesday Feb. 7, 2012. Roughly 2,000 seized guns were transported to a local cement factory and melted down by police and UN officials. (AP Photo/ David McFadden)

Handguns seized by police sit piled together on the floor of the police armory in Kingston, Jamaica, Tuesday Feb. 7, 2012. Roughly 2,000 seized guns were zip-tied into bundles, transported to a local cement factory and melted down by police and UN officials. (AP Photo/ David McFadden)

Handguns seized by police lie, zip-tied into bundles, on the floor of the police armory, in Kingston, Jamaica, Tuesday Feb. 7, 2012. Roughly 2,000 seized guns were transported from the police armory to a cement factory and melted down by police and UN officials. (AP Photo/ David McFadden)

(AP) ? Roughly 2,000 firearms were melted down in a blazing furnace Tuesday as part of an effort designed to combat gun trafficking and corruption in Jamaica while reducing violent crime.

Police, government and U.N. officials destroyed pistols and revolvers by pitching them into a kiln glowing bright orange at a cement factory in the capital of Kingston. Most of the guns were decommissioned or seized in police operations over the years.

National Security Minister Peter Bunting, who has been in office for just over a month, said the destruction of the weapons is an important first step toward managing the sizable stockpiles of guns in Jamaica and reducing the risk of theft.

"The removal will help to reduce the risks of these weapons being possibly diverted back into the illicit trade," Bunting said at the Jamaica Constabulary Force armory.

William Godnick, a coordinator with the U.N. Regional Center for Peace Disarmament and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean, said the destruction of the guns "is the beginning of a long process in which we hope to destroy a much larger quantity."

The primary goal is "to prevent theft and loss," Godnick said.

Last year, a Jamaican police sergeant was sentenced to 15 years in prison for stealing guns and bullets from the Kingston armory. He was arrested after agents seized 18 high-powered weapons and 11,000 rounds of ammunition that were stolen for sale to criminals.

Bunting, who recently announced that he hopes to develop new policies encouraging police use of non-lethal weapons such as Tasers to stem a high rate of police killings, told reporters that reducing stockpiles can also "remove temptation" from rogue officers who may plant weapons.

He said a crime spike so far in 2012 shows that advances the Caribbean country has made combating gangs and crime since 2010 are fragile.

"We can't let up in our efforts to combat crime," Bunting said.

In a report last year, the World Bank estimated that violence and crime cost this Caribbean country roughly $400 million a year.

With arsenals to rival police firepower, gangs whose turf wars have long plagued gritty parts of the island are blamed for the majority of Jamaica's homicides. The large majority of the gangs' weapons are smuggled from the United States.

Illegal guns come in on freighters and in "guns-for-ganja" deals by fishermen, who carry homegrown marijuana to nearby Haiti and return with pistols, revolvers and submachine guns ? many of them believed to be from the U.S. as well.

On Wednesday, officials will destroy roughly a half ton of ammunition at the cement factory.


David McFadden on Twitter: https://twitter.com/dmcfadd

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/cae69a7523db45408eeb2b3a98c0c9c5/Article_2012-02-07-CB-Jamaica-Guns/id-a171e8472bc24b23934d41761eb2ba98

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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

NAIS Career Center: Business Management jobs, Philadelphia jobs ...

Career Center

Accounts Payable and Administrative Assistant to the Business Office POSTED: Feb 07
Salary: Open Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Employer: Germantown Friends School Type: Full Time - Administration
Category: Business Management Preferred Education: 4 Year Degree

About Germantown Friends School

Germantown Friends School is a Quaker, independent, co-educational day school serving 860 students in grades K-12. Located in an historic, urban setting in northwest Philadelphia, the school takes its identity from a constellation of four distinct elements: a vibrant intellectual community, an historic urban setting, a diverse school community and a grounding in Quaker principles. For more information about the school, please visit our website at www.germantownfriends.org.

View all our jobs

Germantown Friends School is seeking an experienced professional to manage the processing of accounts payable and front desk duties of the Business Office. This includes, but is not limited to, the management of accounts payables, processing the GFS Gift Shop billing and receipts, petty cash management, obtaining and maintaining rental agreements for rented facilities and administrative support for the business office.

Responsibilities include:

  • Receive and verify invoices and requisitions for goods and services
  • Properly route vendor invoices received to the appropriate school personnel for coding and approval
  • Resolve invoice discrepancies with faculty and staff as well as vendors
  • Verify that transactions comply with the financial policies and procedures of the school
  • Communicate with school personnel regarding missing documentation and following up on requests for information
  • Prepare and enter invoices into the accounting system
  • Manage bi-weekly check run
  • Properly file paid invoices
  • Request and obtain documentation for monthly credit card charges and record the transactions in the accounting system
  • Process bank deposits, monthly charges and customer statements for the GFS Shop
  • Interface with third party vendors
  • Record monthly rental properties activity
  • Correspond with parties interested in renting GFS facilities, and obtain signed rental agreements, certificates of insurance, and properly update the GFS calendar
  • Reconcile monthly the cash receipts bank account
  • Maintain an orderly accounts payable filing system
  • Provide financial analyses as needed
  • Maintain a documented system of accounts payables policies and procedures
  • Provide administrative support to the Chief Financial Officer and other in the Business Office to ensure effective and efficient office operations including scheduling, travel requests, meeting appointments, etc.
  • Perform other duties and/or projects as assigned
Characteristics include:
  • Demonstrate initiative, positive attitude, and dependability
  • Demonstrate good organization and prioritization skills: meet deadlines, detail-oriented, multi-task
  • Possess strong financial and business acumen
  • Maintain strict confidentiality
  • Have strong interpersonal skills: communication, presentation, negotiation
  • Demonstrate strong decision-making and problem-solving skills

Interested candidates should send a cover letter, resume and letters of reference to:

Mina Fader


Germantown Friends School

31 W. Coulter St.

Philadelphia, PA 19144


  • Bachelor?s degree in Accounting or commensurate experience
  • Competency and comfort with the use of technology, including accounting systems and spreadsheet work
  • Not-for-profit experience preferred
  • Prior experience in the areas of Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable required Physical Requirements:
    • Frequently lift objects weighing up to 25 pounds
    • Climb stairs
    • Sit for long periods of time
    • Occasionally stoop, kneel or crouch
    • Use hands and arms to reach for, grasp and manipulate objects
    • 12 months, 40 hours/week
    • Additional hours for attendance at required functions
    • Eligible for benefits, including medical, dental, and vision
    • Non Exempt position

Germantown Friends School

Philadelphia PA


Source: http://careers.nais.org/jobs/4661958/accounts-payable-and-administrative-assistant-to-the-business-office

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